Missy Pants

And on the other side of the line I have a former admin assistant who lied so much on his resume to score a project manager job at a nearby company, I wish I could be there with some popcorn to watch when he falters and the #$%^ hits the fan.

I based an entire successful career in a very niche role in investment management on faking it till oopsie, I was considered an expert. I was fresh out of law school and had no clue what I was doing in the first two years in the role. I was given little guidance beyond "well, you're smart, just trust your judgment."

I totally bullshitted my way into my current job, and now have three pending patents with my name on them. So, shrug?

Damn. You're going to tear something in your shoulder with this kind of reaching.

As an IT consultant, I do a lot of faking it til I make it. If you go into someone's office with a real headscratcher of a problem and fumble around like you don't know which end of a USB cord is up, they're gonna worry and a problem that might not be a big deal will suddenly become the worst disaster the company has

The struggle is real.

Stop. It's obviously not the fucking same.

Let me guess, "not everything is about race?"

I have recently decided to become a sellout. I'd rather be rich and everyone hate me than poor and most people hating me.

People of color are expected to conform to white norms, so already they can't "appropriate" them. Cultural appropriation is an assertion of power/dominance. A person of color with a flaxen weave cannot actually disempower the dominant majority.

Not being antagonist but, do you honestly believe Katy was going for Old Hollywood white lady? That's very positive thinking. She has made a career out of cultural appropriation. I imagine a Native American headdress is next.

only by people who don't know what baby hairs look like

also no need to apologize dawg

My knee-jerk reaction was shouting, "QUIT IT, KATY, QUIT IT."

This is what I miss now that I remarried—I never have weird single alone time, except when I have to fly my son halfway across the country to see his dad, and I spend the weekend in a hotel in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Then I eat copious amounts of chocolate, drink a whole bottle of white wine, watch HGTV, look at weird

God you are sooooo fucking cool!

If I am in bed with a woman, and she has blackheads (and most women do, as do most men), I have to pluck them out. Anywhere on her body. I cannot help it. Seeing a blackhead on my partner is just intolerable to me. Amazingly, every woman I've been with was entirely cool with that. Reactions ranged from "if it floats

I spend hours shopping online, filling my cart with all kinds of things I would totally blow my money on if I had more of it, and then abandon the cart at bedtime.

I have one male friend who is desperately single and always puts, to quote 40 y/o virgin, the pussy on a pedestal. Can I PLEASE share this thread with him to show women are as fucked up as guys?

my bathroom door is never shut. Part of that is because my cats have to always be with me (their choice, not mine). It's not a secret but I would never do it with someone in the house, but one of my cats also showers with me.