Yes yes so hit the nail on the head for me, ''...your voice is stomped out. You are silenced repeatedly...' so true...and then you become the 'bad daughter' the 'troubled one' when you find your voice and USE it... !!!
Yes yes so hit the nail on the head for me, ''...your voice is stomped out. You are silenced repeatedly...' so true...and then you become the 'bad daughter' the 'troubled one' when you find your voice and USE it... !!!
Maybe it is too hard for people that never had a narcissitic parent to understand?
so true.
At age 16, my uncle declared to my mom, in front of me, that "she didn't turn out to be as big of a bitch as I thought she would!" Like that's a compliment. That's what I call a turning point in a relationship - as in, I turned my back on that dick and cut him out of my life just like my abusive grandparents (his…
And that's the real fear, not looking good.
As someone with narcissist parents who were also not invited to my wedding, thank you for so clearly explaining that. It's hard for people to understand the smothering feeling and complete lack of autonomy that comes with narcissistic parents
SO much easier to be like that when they're dead though.
I'm going to say that the catharsis may be worth it after years of abuse.
Except so much of the abuse endured from a narcissist is that your voice is stomped out. You are silenced repeatedly, because their word is always the most important. It is healing and therapeutic to reclaim your voice, and at first, it can be raw and abrasive. Because of course it is— they haven't had the privilege…
Since I turned 40, I am freezing cold ALL day long, EVERY day, summer and winter and then I go to sleep and wake up sweating several times a night, summer and winter (I live in Houston where its almost always summer, but everything is AC'd out the wazoo). My body produces no heat except when I'm asleep apparently.
My favorites.
I've spent my entire adult life being freezing at night. The last 15 years have been spent needing to put my icicles feet on my husband's thighs to keep warm, even in summer.
Two comments:
"On Kim and Kanye: They are a match made in heaven."
And this is why I think her and Kanye never had a chance of making it. For as real as he tries to be, AR is just genuinely real. Whereas Kim is the type to let a sex tape "leak", AR would just do the damn thing and release it as a gift to the world. I don't feel like Kanye wanted that (well, obviously), but prefers…
I believe it is a reference to this meme:
Other quotes from this gold mine of an interview from Amber, who shares her thoughts on the Kardashian Klan in general:
My favorite line: "If I wanna get the D, Ima get the D. Trust me. That's it. Bottom line."
Maybe I'm just an Amber Rose stan (confirmed), but I thought she was pretty damn diplomatic in that interview. And I love that she's a girl's girl and stands up for her friends when their husbands run off to fuck teenagers, yet still manages not to say anything about the teenager in question worse than "she is a…