Can Kotaku just not write articles about anything relating to GG?
I expect gawker to do this sort of thing
Can Kotaku just not write articles about anything relating to GG?
I expect gawker to do this sort of thing
this is literally jesus punishing you for talkin shit about chris evans
Can one of our Jezeboys volunteer to sign up and give us a sense of the male experience with this? I'm hella curious and the website says very little.
Call it Wallflower. Make a million bucks.
I propose a dating site and/or app that only allows women to contact men. I just saved every woman 100 solicitations a day and being called a fat slut for not responding.
The fact that this dude managed to get 11 stars leads me to believe we have been infiltrated.
Its totally possible to have nose running, eye watering, sweating, drooling reaction and still be 100% enjoying yourself. I'm also Indian, spice and hotness (they are different despite what most people believe) are just an ingrained part of our food and culture. We even have a word for the "ssss - ahh" noise people…
Short answer: none of the "mainstream" ones.
not really
No, actually, bell hooks's name isn't supposed to be capitalized.
Yeah. People forget that abusers aren't always muscle-bound rage machines. You can't see abuse while you're being abused until it's gone on a while; until then everything is an isolated instance, and all your bad feelings and insecurities are your own fault, as far as you know.
"What's with this creepy obsession with avoiding condoms I wonder? It seems to be a common thread."
You know, as a male feminist, I was interested by this:
Any man who calls himself a feminist immediately sets off my creep alarms. I have never met a male "feminist" who wasn't a manipulative tool.
"he described his infatuation with power dynamics as a fetish"
Yes, the part about listening more than they talk is the most important. I have encountered countless male 'feminists' who think that because they're feminists, they can go ahead and act as if they know more about feminism and women's experience than women do.
The problem is, I'm not sure where exactly the line should be drawn between "openly claiming to be a male feminist in order to normalize and encourage" and "announcing that you are a male feminist to brag and wear it as a diversity merit badge."
Creepy as fuck. I'd like to take this opportunity to note how glad I am that Schwyzer doesn't have an outlet on Jez any longer.
Oy, this is terrifying and depressing, and the phenomenon of 'macktivists' seems to be getting more and more prevalent as feminism has been getting more mainstream attention. I recently got an Okcupid message from a guy who went on about being a feminist, then made a rape joke in his questions. When I pointed this out…
I had never actually considered this angle...but of course this is an angle. Of course this is a way to try and become a bulletproof asshole. Christ.
It truly is at the point where no woman can ever trust any man, ever, isn't it?
To disclose: I am male, and this is devastating to read. Horrific. There's nothing…