He's been Zappa-fied.
He's been Zappa-fied.
This is so silly that I can't muster a response to it, but speaking of pap smears...in the US, the current recommendations from ACOG are
this is so on point
She's the one whose drink you eagerly refill at every reunion.
Twitter Cher is the embarrassing but totally on point Facebook Aunt we all deserve.
Someone broke Megyn Kelly and I'm loving every. fucking. second.
What is going on with Megyn Kelly lately??????? Here we have yet another clip of her smacking down the dang…
now WHY THE HELL could he not have had this beautiful beard in the movie itself. Hot DAYUM, the man looks good with scruff. In my humble opinion much better than without (although obviously he's ridiculously gorg either way).
Those are some Jon Snow-level sad puppy eyes in that first photo. Damn.
Guys, I just think he mistook her for a demon. It's a common mistake, y'know?
See, I'm starting to get convinced that even with cameras, the problem officers are just going to keep doing shit with impunity, because they know they won't receive any sort of punishment or consequence.
Fuck Jeff Roorda.
Oh look, another cop confused over the meaning of 'de-escalate'...
starring: John Hamm, Paul Rudd and Adam Scott. never seen any of their work but i just wanted all guys that end their names with double letters
I would watch the SHIT out of that.
Many moons ago when this was all but a whisper, someone (dumbass) was all "But what if they made a Golden Boys?" which I think would be an awesome blossom, I wish someone would. I find Jerry Stiller a hoot.
"Man back in mani pedi" is genius.
Mine weren't by any means feminist, but I have a few exes who were attracted to me because of my ambition and independent spirit, and then got very, very annoyed when I didn't eventually bend to their will or let them be in charge in the relationship.