With a BMW!
With a BMW!
"Tyler, did you take my lotion AGAIN? WTF are you DOING with it, Dude?"
I totally didn't associate the name "Flood" with the word and I've been over here giggling about the potential name "flewd".
That is amazing. A good friend has a FB friend from Wyoming and we love to read the names she posts for her friends, her kids' friends and especially any new babies in the family. Nobody has a name that has been seen at any time in history, and if they do it has been so creatively spelled that you have to say it out…
I'll have you know my son D'Loaf is now a lawyer!
When people like the sound of a name but dislike the actual spelling you end up with Skylars, Britneys, Kate-lynns and...Porsha.
That is fairly accurate, in terms of how my Barbie lineup looked. Missing limbs were not at all uncommon in my Dream House...
any underwear can be period panties if you have a paragard
It just took me by surprise since my natural periods were fairly light, really. And the cramps are manageable but I just hate taking anti-inflammatories bc of some stomach issues. TMI, but for this first period, being the naive flower I was, I put my basic reg flow tampon in thinking it would be fine for a few hours…
I wish you luck- I had the torrential, 10-day-long, bibilical-curse-like periods for the whole three years I had mine. That said: STILL WORTH IT. (Though when this currently-cooking baby pops out, I'm probably opting for the mirena next.)
Sure! And dudes should find the condoms that fit best for them, but there will be a best fit. No standard penis will be unable to sustain a condom.
jia, i like the way you do words in the order that you do. you are good at words orders.
I just got the Paragard last month. My cramping was terrible the next day, but fine after. The first period after insertion was terrible, not unlike a miscarriage the first couple of days. But it lasted about a week exactly and I had some spotting for a few days after. I look forward to the 6 month point where…
All excellent points, but I'm going to go out on a not-so-long-limb and say that the guys complaining to their partners that they are "too big" for condoms aren't actually concerned about condom effectiveness.
Are you sure about that? Her boots currently knock with Jason Momoa's boots.
That would actually be great, because I live near his hometown, and maybe he'd move back and I could run into him at Starbucks or the supermarket. Not that I've given it any thought, of course. Not that I wonder if he comes home for Thanksgiving and drive extra slow through that town throughout November. No.