Missy Pants

Winter foods were about finding ways to make edible calories out of whatever odds and ends were left at mid-winter - and make them festive. Flour nuts? Roast 'em! Meat bits and dried fruit? ADD MORE SUGAR! AND A PIE CRUST! Flour starting to turn a bit? Make it into a heavy cake of dried fruit soaked in rum, and

Well, of course that's what you'd say when you served it . . .

I know! I watch it every few months even though I pretty much only wear my scarf three ways.

just coming to the comments first to say that i clicked on this and said 'ok colin, i'm ready to fight'

Idk man re: probiotics - maybe it's the placebo effect, but I used to get an intestinal back up of hard stool (yes TMI whatever) like clock work every year or so, that resulted in terrible pain and having to OD on stool softeners. But since I added a probiotic it hasn't happened at all, and I feel noticeably better.

I am white and I've never seen one episode. For a while there in the late 90s, a lot of white people I know were making jokes I just wasn't getting.

I'm not white (or American) and I really like it. Except Ross, because he's the worst.

Right? What person of majority Anglo-Saxon descent hasn't seen Friends?

Are you White?

How to clean makeup brushes?

Deep fried, I assume.

It was so sad. I remember being a kid when AIDS was on the cover of every magazine, & people were spreading awful rumors about catching it like wildfire. For anybody my age, sex always came with the threat of death hanging over it.

The original got super depressing after AIDS entered the picture.

So much that happened to the featured players after that film is insane! I think one of the few still alive is the kid they interviewed throughout the film, who talked about stealing food. So many of the others are dead. The mother of one of the Houses died after losing a leg to diabetes years later. I can't remember

"Contrarianism for its own sake and also poop jokes" is the motto of the Foods That Should Not Exist series.

The fruitcakes I eat are so soaked in rum, who cares? After they get the first whiff and resultant contact high, NOBODY, that's who.

The mirth and happiness that I have just murdered.

I watched my mom bake, from scratch, 6 fruitcakes this past Sunday. Thesis: refuted. Now, why she does this, I really don't know, except that her siblings claim to enjoy them. Also working those radioactive-looking candied fruits into the batter appears to be one hell of an upper body workout.