Missy Pants

Did you see the response? "as a Christian from the Midwest" - bwahahahaha! I called it!

I'm gonna guess "someone from the midwest". ;)

Ha! I didn't see that! I was just hoping we could give them actual small pox blankets! :)

Small pox blankets?

"My Ayn Rand sense is tingling!" LOL

Its just so obvious and sad you know? :)

Because to them the "free market" means being "free" to do whatever they want, and that includes creating modern feudalism. ;)

Darling, don't feed the objectivist trolls, its not use, they can't conceive of a society where all people are valued equally.


Dammit! "heal" not "heel"! Bah!

This. If a company that profits off paying its employees so little that they need welfare or foodstamps then I think its time to examine those so-called "profits".

Hey! I had a concussion last May, and head injuries are no joking matter! I'm not going to let you disparage the brain-injured and compare us to this loon! We get better and will heel with time! ;)

This particular flavour of troll pops up every few months with a new burner, makes a bunch of outlandish statements, then, when shockingly, people call them on their shit they call us sexist, transphobic, misandrist, you name it. And then they leave again, safe in the knowledge that "we" don't like them because of

I'm so amused right now.

I am 99% sure I know who this is! Ha!

You are good at words.

There's a certain population of the right-wingnut-libertarian breed that think taxation is an act of violence. You're not going to get any sense out of him. It is fun to watch the word salad though I do feel for Mr. Garners' daughter. :/


I miss fat Karl. That was the best Karl.
