Missy Pants

I broke my elbow and didn't go to the doctor for three days and I only went because I couldn't straighten my arm anymore.

Oh yeah, I learned you never ask for drugs by name or type, just complain complain complain.

Now if we could only get our GPs to prescribe drugs based on that!

... or Miss Universe has hired Effie Trinket?

For the special kind of prescriptions like that you always go the pharmacy *inside* the hospital. ;)

LOL weed does nothing for me save give me cotton mouth and make me paranoid. Give me all the opioids!

... maybe women need them? I know I feel pain in a very different way to MrPants and OTC pain meds that fix him right up do nothing for me at all until I get something with codeine or stronger.

I'm not sure why you said "I don't think so," then.

I'm not sure which comment you're replying to?

So you're grey, and if you come here via your direct link I can see it, but you're not on the board under all-replies+pending.

I'm going to guess that those places won't have the wine list these dorks are used to. ;)

True story: while on a road trip in an RV we stopped in a lovely little town in Vermont for brunch, and they tried to serve us "table syrup" and we laughed, and asked if they would mind if we ran out to the RV and got our own maple syrup. The waitress apologized with a "I keep telling them but they don't listen to me

Its so frustrating, are they or are they not? My brothers are only just in their 50s but they firmly identify with GenX! And everyone disagrees with where the "generations" start/end.

I think its just a level of entitlement that we should get used to seeing from now on. ;)

(Did you get to the part where they tried to pay for their custom meal with a coupon?)

You are obviously a bad vegan if you're eating gluten!

Yeah, its the second one. The restaurant that indulged this foolishness in the first place deserves to be named and shamed!

I think when you get to the point that you are forcing a restaurant to make food for you that you bring them your reasons for doing so are moot.

Yup. and it resulted in lawyers getting involved, because of course it did.

LOL - I must have missed that page in the Vegan handbook... ;)