Missy Pants

In this case, its the restaurants fault for indulging these two in the first place. Sure the customers were jerks, but they'd always been jerks, if you don't want to make custom dishes for jerks, don't. ;)

Its a thing!



I hope you're self-employed and never have to leave the house... cuz if not, you're gonna have to deal with pregnant ladies at some point.

I made a lady I worked with cry, all the time, for each of her 3 back to back pregnancies. (She got pregnant while breastfeeding after the 1st one, and then within 2 weeks of giving birth to the second one, to be fair, she had a lot to cry about; 3 baby boys in less than three years and I'd cry too!)

Canada and Canadians exist in a really weird bubble.

Can we not give any clicks to Blatchford? She's a tired old irrelevant crank who routinely victim blames and is just generally a terrible person.

Oh I know how old he is. I'm still old enough to be his mother. ;)

America has a lot of restrictions about food we can bring in to America (short version: nothing), but Canada's rules on what its citizens can bring home for personal consumption are apparently pretty lax.

I think very age-inapproriate things about that boy...


Have you seen the milk riots at Costco south of the BC border? LOL - its the best thing ever!

I always buy the super organic free range chickens, they're small and super expensive and I figure cuz I can afford them I have a "duty" to buy them. LOL - I did totally buy like 7 "regular" chickens once right before a long weekend when they were on sale for $1 each. A whole chicken! For $1! They were more than twice

We call orange juice zombie juice in my house. MrPants still hasn't forgiven me for ruining Tropicana for him, now a days we stick to apple cider. :)

Oh don't get me wrong, our mass produced chicken is terrifying too... I just don't know what you're doing to yours to make it twice as large as our! Like seriously, what is going on!

You know how old the chickens you eat are? 37 days old! I don't know this bothers me so much but it does! It seems so wrong...

I wish I knew about the broccoli man! It was weird! We went grocery shopping and refused to buy it, going to *two* other grocery stores where it was ALSO $7. I don't know man, maybe no one in Port Orange eats broccoli? Whatever, its my ace in my back pocket when people start talking about poor people needing to eat

In Canada, chicken breasts are $4.31 to $7.71, so $5.81/lb.