
Why do you think Austen got an erection from Flo? The show presents all sorts of sexual situations, from frigid, to loving, to rape. This was the first time on the show that Bill and Gini made love, how did he get an erection in all the episodes before? How did he get an erection in the scene where she was playing

she fundamentally misunderstood the show and the commenters are pointing that out. It is not simply another perspective when the reviewer cannot understand what is going on and prescribes an untruthful "thesis" to the show.

don't worry, we all gave the review an F

The previews for next week look good, when Libby sees Gini and Bill interacting in the TV studio. I really wish they had done an episode of them all going on vacation together with the kids like they had talked about. Bill failed pretty hard in his first season vacation, I'd love to see the contrast with Gini there.

I agree Bill felt that he deserved the beating, but I think it was still cruelty. Bill wanted both to be punished for abandoning Francis and to prove to Francis that he was right about the alcoholism. I believe Francis suffered greatly emotionally after that scene as Bill had torn his whole belief system apart.

Yeah, Gwen is pulling an Amber this week. Amber is the EW reviewer who constantly gets things wrong.

One line I missed on the first viewing was Robert's comment to Libby about there being lice at the projects, "And we know how you feel about lice," or something to that end. Hilarious.

I take issue with this quote from the reviewer:
"But unlike Bill, Langham has no bedroom trouble, so what does that say in regard to the show’s implied thesis about the need for emotional connection in the bedroom? "
The show never had this thesis. Bill said he likes an emotional connection (he's been known to lie to

did he stop her from going to med school? or did she choose the study?

he needs her for the study, they are completely co-dependent

except he couldn't get it up at all

How did baby #2 happen? I know Libby went through fertility treatments again, but we know that they both know that not conceiving was his problem (low sperm count), not hers, which he lied about in the pilot. But during this time he was also impotent, so did they retrieve more frozen sperm from Maternity? Any other

looks like you answered your own question

One thing that hit me this morning was that at the end of the episode Betty had her degree and Gini still did not. I wonder if that will create any tension between them in the future. Also, I looked ahead and Michael Apted directed the next episode, so I have very high hopes as his episodes tend to be very strong.

If you read it before as she wanted to get out, then this episode should have changed that for you. He broke off their sexual relationship, and Gini still had a job, and they didn't go back to the hotel until almost 2 years later. He knows and she knows that he knows that she is the best person to bring in subjects

"why he stipulated later on that she had to sleep with him as a condition of her employment and involvement in the study"

in all the interviews and articles before the season we were warned of a time jump. You just have to be a little more obsessed to find out about these things.

I rewound when the 2nd baby appeared, then I got it from there

don't get too attached to anything in this series besides Masters and Johnson, they are following history for the most part and they moved from place to place