
In your opinion?

It's too bad Kurt had disappeared for so long, and extremely unfortunate that Jason looked so much like him.

More appropriate "women empowerment" ending would be Diana, Alicia, Lucca, and Elsbeth starting a new firm in the old firm offices

I thought Cush Jumbo was added to the cast to be an actual friend to Alicia. Also, Eli would have been a better listener than a ghost.

Clooney and Sarah Jessica Parker showing up would have been perfect.

In my opinion, talking to the ghost is never a good plot tool. I cringed. If she was going to talk to the ghost at all, it should have been earlier in the season when she was doing nothing but sobbing during Peter's presidential campaign. I agree with the Washington Post analysis that the episode was too much about

lol seriously, the close up was too much

In the first season and much of the second, each episode had a standalone story that Michelle Ashford emphasized as important to her to play from start to finish in each single episode. That concept seems to have been completely lost and the show meanders from subplot to subplot. It's too bad, the first season was

I love the jealous looks that Bill gives George

perhaps, but as people have commented that they are abandoning the show for seemingly disjointed story telling and I myself wish there were more holes filled in, it's some food for thought. Why keep hurting the narrative if the time constraint could be abandoned?

As I'm reading other articles and interviews with Michelle Ashford, there is often mention about dropped scenes that explain what happened to the Pretzel King, ties in Austen's story with Virginia, or more fully flushes out Libby's turnaround into civil rights volunteer. All of these scenes were dropped due to time

I meant her every day life wasn't destroyed. what destroyed her was the fact that the new custody arrangement was better for her children and that her kids didn't mind it.

but Virginia's life wasn't destroyed. Although she no longer has custody, she was absent and her life won't be very different because she has chosen the study/Bill over her children time and time again. I think a lot of her sadness was the realization that her children are better off not living with her, and her

I think you missed the whole point of the show

so she was human?

So glad George is back (Mather Zickel). Look how far he's come from asking Gini to pay him to watch their kids.

Why was Austin's impotence cured from Margaret? Did you miss Betty's speech about how impotence could be cured many different ways?

Rather than not "real" I believe Langham is just a lot more superficial than the other characters, and I know plenty of superficial "real" people. In the first season he was amoral. He slept around and couldn't even commit to a full-fledged affair when he cancelled his and Margaret's trip to New York. Finally in

except the review was terrible and inaccurate

agree, it's hard to shift viewing Langham from a running joke to someone in, say, Margaret Scully's vulnerable position. I think the Scully and Depaul side stories set the bar extremely high and we're all expecting a bit too much from the writers to duplicate it every week with different characters. The side stories,