
see my further reply above from 2 hours ago. Johnny was not created through love, he was created through Libby's deception. She wasn't all flowers and rainbows in season 1

Except they covered what immediately happened after Bill's confession through flashbacks

maybe it's a reflection of her poorer state.

she did ask if they were going to get to "work" :)

I think Libby's evolution has been very consistent with what has happened on the show. Even though she was portrayed as very sweet, don't forget she went behind Bill's back to get pregnant, that's a pretty serious betrayal. Bill did not want the child, and now Bill is completely ignoring her and Johnny (and also in

There was no time jump between last season and this one. He was only at the other hospital 2 months. The time jump comes mid-season. Probably 2 or 3 episodes from now.