Miss Vi Vi Rodriguez

Dear Albert Burneko, I don't know who you are, but you have now written two of my favorite pieces in the history of ever (this and "The American Justice System is Not Broken"). I just want to thank you for existing.

Yeah, part of the problem is that these diseases have disappeared because we've done such a good job eradicating them and people have forgotten how awful and dangerous they are. It's incredibly foolish.

Yeah someone hasn't been keeping up. Marin, the hoity-toity rich white liberal ppl county is much worse than conservative Orange County.

Fuck that; science keeping me alive is awesome.

"...we can't inject our children with chemicals."

And just like Wakefield, I'm betting this boils down to money and the sociopath who sees a way to it.

Measles weren't just "on their way out." In the year 2000, the medical community declared that new transmissions had been eliminated in the US. These dumbass anti-vaxxers revived a disease that was gone, kaput. New transmissions of polio are currently nonexistent... for now.

Fuck this guy. "Chemicals". I bet this motherfucker gives out Lipitor like candy. I bet he thinks it gives 4-hour boners too.

Would it be weird to get this printed on a t-shirt?

Well, or with only medical exemptions. There are people who can't be vaccinated because their immune systems are compromised - children who are getting chemotherapy, some people with HIV. They're the ones who need the protection the most, because they're relying on herd immunity to be safe.

I'm hoping he can tell me where I can purchase free-range mammoth meat so I can eat like my ancestors.

While we're at it, I'd like to shoot the messenger some more.

Humanity has spent five thousand years gathering the collective knowledge to get us this far only to say "Fuck those people, I am gonna listen to Jenny McCarthy and Glenn Beck".

We recently looked at enrolling my 2.5 year old son at a Waldorf pre-school, despite my objections about hippies. When we went for a school visit I loved the place. It's semi-rural and has a creek in the backyard and chickens and the kids play outside EVERY day even when it's raining out (I live in the PNW so that's

Anti-vaxxers enrage me. These assholes should be forced to talk to their grandparents and other seniors who were alive when there weren't vaccines before making stupid choices that endanger their children and other people. And Jenny McCarthy owes me $100 for the stupid whooping cough test my kid needed because an

I get tired of saving this over and over again but here goes. Smallpox: killed millions of people for hundreds of years. Where is it? Gone, worldwide, because we were forced to vaccinate. Measles were on their way out until now. I'm older than Wolfson, I remember getting measles and having school mates getting

My kid is allergic to peanuts!

Oh, he actually cooks his meat? Like with fire? No thank you, I prefer the all natural raw meat that our ancestors ate for millions of years.

As someone who had a near-fatal reaction to a vaccine when I was a child, I reserve the right to kick anti-vax people in the shins. I feel that it's my consolation prize for the years of physical therapy I endured. I got encephalitis from the pertussis vaccine and I still, to this day, get vaccinated against