Miss Vi Vi Rodriguez

it’s only morally repulsive if you have morals, which these sick fucks knocking up their defacto stepchildren (or worse, actual stepchildren) clearly do not.


hi kelly kean sharp! i just saw kelly kean sharp, girl!

“Those don’t flicker”

that last line is *chef’s kiss* such a good burn!

my dad had the same bullshit argument. i listened, then asked “so, it sounds like you’re saying that you’re worried about predatory men in bathrooms?” to which he replied with an enthusiastic “exactly.” then i said, “well, it sounds like your issue is with predatory men, not trans people.” his dumb ass shut the fuck

yeah yeah the dresses are hideous...can we talk about the mexican lasagne? wtf is that slop?!

“And I definitely felt joy at her exit, so mission accomplished.”

smashmouth is so bad it’s good! 

my money’s on gormless

yes yes yes! i love me some ugly betty. the fashion, the drama, the shade. indeed, ugly betty was way ahead of it’s time. my sister also recently started watching and was like “why didn’t i watch this when it was on tv?!” i think ugly betty is one of those shows that wasn’t super successful when it aired but will have

i love this so much. weird and made me lol. it reminded me a lot of strangers with candy for some reason and i legit screamed when i saw amy sedaris! i really hope escola records more and makes this a web series. thanks for introducing me to this gem, hazel.

thank you for this article, garrett. i have never felt so seen.

VH1 really pulled a Bebe, huh? “Out of respect for Dela...” 

i take it you haven’t read audre lorde...

i wanted my narcissist ex to come crawling back after dumping me via email 2 weeks before christmas so i could ignore him and hurt his ego. i didnot get what i wanted. but i am going to therapy tomorrow and ultimately this is good. i posted a long time ago about all the shit he did to me and it only got worse.

a real life jessi ramsey!

i don’t know...i teach college freshmen and a lot of them have the maturity of 13 year olds...

i don't know who craig ferguson is but you just described my dream job. 

okay, i laughed way too hard at “justin dweeber”! take your star!