The first rule of Meg Club is you DON'T TALK ABOUT MEG CLUB.
The first rule of Meg Club is you DON'T TALK ABOUT MEG CLUB.
Yes, and I find that exact phenomenon that you are describing to be endemic to conservatives and Republicans (and Libertarians). They are only empathic and progressive on a specific issue if it affects them or their immediate family personally (I call it "Dick Cheney/Rob Portman Syndrome"). Like the politician who…
The picture of Old Conservative White Dude summer camp you painted here is going to entertain me all day.
There are many more independents and liberals here in the heartland than Mike Huckabee wants to admit. He already knows it but that just didn't fit on the banner that he fingerpainted with Scott Walker and Rick Perry during Arts and Crafts hour.
Exactly. She's always willing to protect her own self interests, but never ever anybody else's. Ever.
Not falling for it. Too much damage has been done for me to forgive and forget.
Not to mention the whole "grits and gravy" bullshit - yeah, like these Alfalfa Alpha males would ever be cool with their wives happily downing a plateful of the stuff: "You gotta watch your girlish figure, 'cause those new secretaries down at the plant are sure lookin' pretty."
I have this fantasy of her turnin' sane and breakin' the chains and switchin' sides.... but yeah, reality is probably much closer to what you just described.
I agree. There is trouble a-brewin' in the GOP-verse.
I'm thinking the former and she is preparing the way for a tell all book and born again feminist lecture career.
As a representative of the "American Heartland" woman, in my forties, I hate to break it to M. Hucks, but we've been smoking, swearing, fucking, and drinking in the flyover states for quite a while now. Wearing pants, voting, showing our ankles, the whole shebang. It's like we think we're people or something.
Please don't. People in the land of God, guns, grits, and gravy do not masturbate. Ever.
the cult of thinking for yourself?
I'm really hoping that's it. Like she's prepping herself for an epic thowdown, mic drop, walk-off home run and then just peaces out of Fox and goes to work for Al Jazeera or something. I can dream?
Look, you didn't hear this from me, but a group of fellow Megan/Meghan/Meaghan/Megyn's may or may not have sacrificed a bull and used the resulting power to bring our fellow Meg out from under the distressing Fox News spell she's been under.
Either her contract is up soon or her contract is bulletproof.
This is Fox pivoting somewhat to the reality that if they want younger viewers and particularly female viewers, they have to act like they're not in line with the old white men of the GOP who won't shut up.
I can't help but be oddly suspicious of this and the last-minute abortion-vote cancellation in the House last week (credit given to House Republican women) - like it's all part of some grand scheme to make people think, hey, the new, younger Republican women are okay! The party's turning around! And then there's…
Someone broke Megyn Kelly and I'm loving every. fucking. second.