Miss Vi Vi Rodriguez

Seriously. People, teach your kids respect so they aren't asshole burdens on society.

I have never understood the "coolness" of destroying stuff.

I think I would probably start crying with frustration and anger if I was at a party and people just started destroying shit like this. I cannot understand what makes folks think this is ok behavior.

I agree. I feel this way about people trashing any public space, really (or space that is used by many people). It's like they forget that actual humans have to clean up after their disgusting selves. Or maybe they don't even forget, maybe they just think it's cool to be shitty.

The worst part is imagining these kids at their reunion BBQs laughing jocularly in front of their kids about the time they totally trashed that ski lodge, creating a new generation of entitled douchebags with no respect for other people's property.

Pretty much nepotism. When you can call up one of the top investment firms in the country and say, "Hi, we have a student here from you fraternity who you've never met and know nothing about, but would like a job," and is given one, it's all worth it.

Anyone who trashes a hotel room—Greek asshole, rockstar asshole, whoever—gets a big fuck you in my book. Hotel cleaning staffs aren't paid nearly enough to put up with this level of assholery.

That was totally my first thought, too. I would absolutely destroy my imaginary future child if he/she did something like that.

This looks like people were doing demolition for remodeling, not like some college kids had just stayed a week.

To the commenters who thought last week's reader-contributed sorority horror stories were "fake":

Showing up at a resort for a much-needed vacation and seeing a bus load of young people sporting shirts with Greek letters on checking in = my nightmare. I would "get off my damn lawn" all over that shit.

It prepares you to be tolerant to alcohol. Isn't that a skill?

First everyone says we can't haze. Then we can't rape. Now we can't trash hotel rooms ? HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO HAVE ANY FUN?!?

If I found out my kid did was involved in something like this, I would smack the smirk off of his or her face. And stick them with next semester's bill. See how cute they think it is when they have to work their asses off like the housekeeping staff at this place.

Don't worry, they all did that hour of community service once that totally balances this out.

Guaranteed, none of the kids who did this have ever held a minimum wage job.

"My sorority ran a soup kitchen for disenfranchised kittens, so..."

I blame the glorification of thuggishness that pervades white culture...a level of disrespect that is too often passed down from white parents (especially white single parents) to their white children.

"Series of other features" indeed - usually darker "tanned" skin, and curves. When people think of those features in the aggregate, they don't think of white or Asian women.