Without government intervention, you'd have bridges randomly collapsing, human fingers in your meat products, rampant child labor, cars that randomly explode if you rear end someone, and Uber drivers raping passengers. (Oh wait...)
Without government intervention, you'd have bridges randomly collapsing, human fingers in your meat products, rampant child labor, cars that randomly explode if you rear end someone, and Uber drivers raping passengers. (Oh wait...)
So my taxes pay for Marco Rubio's staff's p/maternity leaves while they help him block legislation that would give me a maternity leave?
I see what you're saying. But as a small business, I would assume your overall goal with employees is low turnover. You'd want knowledgeable people who interact well with customers and do their jobs in a profitable manner. So if you attract a few, stable employees, you're going to want to keep them by working with…
The cat is disgusted. He can't even look at them.
I'm still upset that the Tilted Kilt male employees do not wear slutty kilts. I want to live out my Highlander fantasies, thank you very much.
Tim Curry. Always relevant and always appreciated.
No no no. The mistresses get abortions.
These individual policies are for people they know. The laws they write are for the rest of America. They don't give a fuck about the rest of America.
Well, if you're gonna keep getting your staff members pregnant, it would be rude not to pay for their maternity leave.
That stopped me cold. Wait, what? I have to live in some underground dormitory during my off time? What kind of brainwashing internment camp is Ruby Tuesday's running here?
I think this suit came about because the bar tending industry has seen a big gender shift from being dominated by men to more gender neutral to now becoming a field with more women. There are a lot of jobs where one gender is continually favored over another (like construction work for men or working with kids for…
Man, even when companies are sexist against men, they manage to do it in a way that's sexist against women too.
This is not a bad thing. Bars that hire exclusively female bartenders are likely not doing it because of their skills (although many of them definitely are highly skilled and great at what they do) - they're doing it because they want to add eye candy and please male patrons. A bro has a better night out if he can…
"He told the newspaper that at his 27 years with the federal agency, he could not remember a EEOC case where a company gave preference to women."
No, you've got it all wrong. A lawsuit like this is GOOD for feminism. I'm sure this chain is guilty of what they have been accused of, as with other (Hooters, breastaurants of various sorts of variety). The more we limit women as being seen as attractive ornaments to draw in customers the better for ALL of us.
"I like writing where everyone can watch me write!"