Exactly! Black guys are randos who are always walking to liquor stores. Contrary to frat guys, who never ever drink and...
Exactly! Black guys are randos who are always walking to liquor stores. Contrary to frat guys, who never ever drink and...
I graduated at the top of my class, one year early, while founding the first student run United way on my campus, working full-time and volunteering at my local boys and girls club and interning.
Did she also blame you for her lack of correct punctuation and grammar?
I've never gotten the impression that the author, or any of the other authors here are calling out all members of sororities, just ones that write silly things on social media or in open letters to members. The fact that the author was even privy to some of these communiques speaks to dissatisfaction within the…
Hey, I read it in Gretchen Wieners' voice too! It was automatic.
*plot twist i actually love grammar and crap. but my ineternet flow cant be contained or restricted. i need 2 b free
Not to mention that the "Greek" version of success often holds up a classist, sexist hierarchy.
True confession: as soon as I wrote that, I thought that people might perceive it as a slam against you. Which it is not! You're great!
I totally read that email in her voice too!!
I'd second it if it was to use "ruse" more often.
i mean i hate all that shit* but if i'm gunna send a complaint email i sure as shit am gunna be on point with my grammar
::gavel gavel gavel::
But you'd think the head girls would recognize the Black Friend! There's only one of him!
Maybe that guy IS the Black Friend. You know, the one who's totally cool with [thing white person just said] and [potentially problematic white person behavior].
I was going to say the styling seemed oddly familiar...
im not sure what could drive you to be so mean. were you rejected from all sororities in college?
"it's okay to give to your guy friends"
Are you sure it wasn't Kappa Kappa Kappa?