Miss Vi Vi Rodriguez

No, statistics show that firearms do increase a risk. You have a right to own one (or many). Fine. But please don't pretend like it doesn't affect anyone else. Please don't act like guns aren't dangerous, that only "bad guys" who are "inside your house" have to be concerned. Guns are inherently dangerous and

That is dangerous nonsense. Inanimate objects increase risk if they are inherently risky. Pretending otherwise is utterly foolish. Fundamental human fallibility can never be eradicated. It can be reduced, but any security expert will confirm that you can never, ever eliminate that risk.

The fact that you own and use guns affects all of us. Every last one of us. Firearms increase the risk that something terrible will happen for absolutely everyone.

I live in a wonderful country where guns are illegal. The chance of someone bringing a gun into my home is so miniscule as to be virtually non existent. It's pretty great.

You know the best way to avoid shit like this? Don't have guns.

Real Question: What do I get as a birthday gift for a girl who's turning 7 and about whom I know nothing?

I love guys who publicly answer "yes" to the contraception question on dating sites.

I don't understand people who respond to rejection with "you're not that great yourself". It's like, okay, thanks for affirming my decision to reject you. I don't want to date someone who isn't into me.

Turning down guys who can't take no for an answer on online dating is seriously the hardest thing (and usually ends with them getting reported and blocked). You don't even have to be subtle—- you can say, "Sorry, I'm just not interested in you" or "NO" and still get bombarded with messages for months and months. Then

Seriously...and then the entitled shit gave her an 'earful' later when he discovered the truth? Uhm, no, that's not the appropriate response. If a dude faked his own death to get out of communication with me, then I would be ashamed and reevaluate the situation to figure out what *I* did wrong. I would definitely not

Are those his testes that she's wearing as earrings?

Yeah, I'm guessing they were actually just tightwads who wanted to find some "reason" to not tip. That restaurant lost no great customers there, if they even lost them. Those are so the type of assholes that try to come back a week later like nothing happened.

The...editors note that references a completely made up joke condition? As a joke? Because it's a funny explanation of something completely ludicrous? Were we reading the same story?

There are wonderful places to get out of the house to eat — parks, public gardens, beaches, river-front or lakefront walks, even their own back yards. We call these things "picnics."

"they then went into some bullshit mouthfart spiel about regularly eating at fine dining "
They used a Groupon. Somehow I don't believe them.

Nightmare Phone Girl

Damn, they were so angry they crossed out the zeros. Also, just another on the pile of reasons why we should pay waiters/waitresses should be paid MINIMUM FUCKING WAGE! Now, someone won't get a tip because these assclowns were "mad" at someone unrelated to getting their food.

These people are dicks and even if they had gotten the seats they wanted I'm 1000% sure they would have found something else to complain about and not left a tip.


If your food allergies are so severe that you can't eat restaurant food and can only eat your own home cooking.....