Miss Vi Vi Rodriguez

"oh honey, you have a lot of plaque buildup right back here on your molar, let me just get tha-"

Who the hell wants to romance someone right after scraping tartar off their teeth?

If I was a hygienist in this situation I would default to talking about the disgusting things about his mouth

Shit, I would walked right out of the exam room and refused to deal with him. WTF.

Yeah, the worst one started out with a reference to "womanly problems" and went way downhill from there. It ended with the hospital and an angry boyfriend, if I recall.

Earlier this week, at my dentist's office, another patient was saying things basically exactly like this to the hygienist. Then he asked if he could have his next appointment on Valentine's Day so he could "romance" her afterwards and she was polite but clearly not interested. It quickly evolved into her talking about

Oh my god. That is the best word ever. If I knew how to pronounce it, I'd use it a hundred times this week.

...to bring home to my mama (I call her my mama as a joke) ...."And mama'd be surprised I didn't bring home a total slut and be happy that I'm growing up"

You know what else is German?

The horror. THE HORROR (lol).

Dear people who "just tell it like it is",

I don't particularly like Dr. Phil, but I'm totally on board the shame train. I've known girls like this (haven't we all?) and maybe I'm totally going zero to bitch myself, but watching a 19 year old bully get told that she's too scared to not be horrible is kind of glorious.

I saw this little bitch. Sometimes Phil can be a bully but he did a great job putting this one in her place. My favorite part was when he asked her if she thought she was helping people when she said nasty things about them—and she said no.....and he looked at her and said Soo.....you're just running your mouth

Maybe someone else already commented, but 19 is a grown ass woman who is trusted with voting and being her own legal guardian, so she isn't "someone's teen kid" getting called a bitch. She's a grown ass (chronologically; won't say mature) woman. It's not like (I'm not a real) Dr Phil called a kid (to me someone under

The thing that makes me mad is that everyone involved is too old for this nonsense!

He calls a someone's teen kid a "bitch."

You know who else has to tell someone when they're ugly?

Just start at one and keep your hand out while you do a lap around the coffee table.

19? Did Nicole get held back half a dozen times?