I'm a dude & I don't have a single fuck to give about this list. Fuck all those guys on the list, you don't want to be named as a rapist? There's a simple solution: DON'T RAPE WOMEN.
I'm a dude & I don't have a single fuck to give about this list. Fuck all those guys on the list, you don't want to be named as a rapist? There's a simple solution: DON'T RAPE WOMEN.
Right on, graffiti ladies. I don't think the significance here is about how legitimately incriminating (or not) these lists are; it's the fact that some women were so desperate, so frustrated, so clearly feeling alienated and hopeless that they took the cathartic plunge to scribble some names down on a wall knowing…
This is upsetting, but it's not more upsetting than the actual sexual assaults and resulting inaction on the part of the university. I can only imagine the rage that prompted this situation to arise.
It's probably true that if this became a huge trend where dozens or hundreds of names were being written down, and dozens or hundreds of individuals were writing the names (rather than the two or three rightfully fed up and pissed off students) that a person or two may be falsely accused. Statistics, they're out…
Colleges need to stop being allowed to deal with rape that occurs on their campuses, period. If you're a college female that gets raped, go to the real police, not campus police or some disciplinary body.
The people that wrote on the walls could get in serious trouble but the people that raped students aren't??
When I was in college, I was raped. And I put his name on bathroom stalls in dorms, academic buildings, etc. It was the only way I felt I could warn other girls about him.
The way things are going at American universities, with cries of 'rape culture' and Take Back The Night Marches. Perhaps its time to consider single sex universities?
I know eventually false names will be put on these lists, but that will cause the school to react when it starts happening and students of all sorts begin to leave the school because of their inability to address the problem. I witnessed a girl getting abused by her ex-boyfriend and with her permission I filed the…
Its sad these women are so desperate that this is what they have to do. Shame on the apathy of the university. Also I can believe that people are actually thinking about men who hypothetically may be falsely accused of rape rather than the fact that victims are so overlooked and shunned, rather hilariously a man is…
Has anyone on Jezebel ever read Karrine Steffans book confessions of a video vixxen? her encounter with jayz was really gross. she was in one of his music videos, took her for a ride and expected head from her just because she gets featured in the video. when i read it i thought poorly of him. vin diesel was sort of…
Yup. People who just pass out when they get really drunk tend not to understand the high-functioning blackout.
Also, some people are just high-functioning drunks. I've woken up some mornings with no distinct memories of the night before and had people tell me they had no idea I was drunk. I don't throw up or stumble or misjudge distances, I just get raging hangovers the next day.
And again, perfectly fine. But the way she's built as the paragon of feminism (yes, in part by this site) has always bothered me. She is powerful enough that she could have her career, and tell Jay Z to fuck off, at the same time.
Maybe she was under the mind-control of the aliens that took Malaysia Airlines Flight #370!
Now this is a good theory. I like it. Vengeful Ghost 4 da win.
I think she went after him because of the contraction of myosin fibers in her skeletal muscle driven by the hydrolysis of ATP.
I'll just say what I have before.
Oh, my God, this fan fiction: "Maybe he said something like, 'Nice way for a mother to behave.'" Jezebel, if you're going to just indulge in making shit up about celebrities, why not go all the way? MAYBE SOLANGE WAS POSSESSED BY A VENGEFUL GHOST.