Sue the shit outta them. Wrongful termination.
Sue the shit outta them. Wrongful termination.
I've got my Ph. D. I'm a Doctor of Phallosophy. :P
Thank you! Took me about 5 years. I'm all about dick diversity. :)
MEEEEE!!! :)
We must, we must, we must increase our bust!
My cat Ranger (RIP) used to do this!
Mark, you're great. I love the gross stuff. Do your thang! :)
That comment about getting a husband hurt my heart and my head.
UGH. In highschool, I volunteered for a nonprofit in my hometown. We had an extremely high teen pregnancy rate. With a grant, our teen-run group was able to place condom vending machines in local teen hangouts and people freaked the fuck out. Their argument was we were promoting sex....UM, NO DUMMIES!!! THEY'RE DOING…
I work in retail. I can assure you it's the same old shit.
I had a white man grab my ass RIGHT IN FRONT of his girlfriend. Who said nothing. WHAT THE FUCK. He is lucky I didn't break his jaw and she has serious issues.
I agree with this theory and would like to add that Solange and Jay had a secret relationship and Blue Ivy is really their lovechild.
I grew up witnessing my dad beating the shit out of my mom.
I live in Oakland and it is absolutely heartbreaking and awful seeing girls, yes GIRLS, on the street. Some piece of trash Johns were actually recruiting girls at a high school a couple years ago. At one East Oakland High school, parents there had to start safety walks to make sure their daughters weren't being…
Thanks for sharing! *goes off to read*
"a pervert of the highest order" I'm going to use that from now on. :)
It shames me (HS c/o 2004) that my generation is PROUD of being rude assholes.
This needs to happen in real life.
The amount of times I've actually, truly LOLed is rare.