Miss Vi Vi Rodriguez

This entire article disgusted me and pissed me off. My parents forcibly entered me in pageants as a child and I am fucking scarred for life. I can't even tell you how many issues I have from being subjected to all this shit.

Agreed! I identify as bi and I'm just like, "Look, I like HOT PEOPLE!MMMKAYYYY?" Penis, Vagina, whatever. If you're a beautiful person, inside and out, I dig ya.

Word!!! Preach on! It's so fucking annoying!!!

Ross or Target. Be poor. Problem solved.

"which is a kind of sexy butler that you also love." I'm covered. Roommate who cleans and cooks for the win! ;)

Let's fucking nail these assholes to a prison wall. Lock them up FOREVER. Because this isn't "teens being teens" these are some SICK, TWISTED individuals who will most likely continue their behavior throughout their lives...meaning when they are old and grey the will still find ways to drug and rape young girls.

Hippos are like...land seals.

For work I dressed up as Snow White. It was a big hit! I had people running up to take pictures with me all day.

Christmas shopping: done.

Please tell me this is real or just kill me now.

Halloween is the one day a year I can let my freak flag fly openly and proudly and nobody can say shiiiiiiiit!


Also, this criticism comes from a former amateur model...as a model, it fucking sucks seeing yourself distorted and unable to live up to what you look like in photos, so yes, it pisses me off.

Fair points.

I had no idea. /sarcasm.

Not even the model looks like the model.

I feel you...was too poor for a 15nera...

Hahah! Too true...this is how I quit drinking the first time...white wine then gradually nothing. And then I fell off the wagon and drink whiskey, vodka and gin.

What about the CHEATING BASTARD who LIED to both women?! Shame his ass!

Not a fan of any of those names. They're not bad, just too trendy for me. I was surprised Jaxon wasn't on the list...my hipster cousin and his hipster gf named their kid this and insisted it wasn't after SOA....riiiiiiight. *rolls eyes*