
Interesting, it does allow for:

you know, Tump is an idiot and all, but i was listening to npr, and the diversity lottery is maybe not the biggest hill to die on. it was instituted in the 60s to try and get more irish and italian immigration. Its been suggested killed in the past by democrats as well. so while I am not fond of giving trump anything,

The console hasn’t even been out for a full year yet. And there are a lot of games for it that are good. If you don’t like it or the type of games that are on it aren’t your thing, that’s fine. But that doesn’t mean it’s “garbage hardware”.

I’ve talked with people from CPS and read many intake forms when I worked for an organization that dealt with families with open cases, and it’s actually really hard for CPS to make cases stick and it often requires multiple calls in the more questionable situations. So yes, call call call! If you’re wrong, it won’t

Exactly. I understand how this happened, if not why. I live about an hour west, in a neighborhood not terribly different from this one. Perris is a bedroom community filled with people who commute to LA, Orange County, and San Diego, so they’re maybe not paying that close attention to their neighbors. And there are

THIS. I was going to comment that there is no way some neighbors did not at least suspect something was up. I’ve lived in that style of neighborhood before and you can hear pretty much everything and even see into people windows if you get close enough.

This wont change any minds, but it should come as a blow to every person that has ever trotted out the “government should be run like a business” line.

According to Criminal Minds most likely one leads and the other follows because they are psychologically dependant on their partner.

Absolutely. I would much, much rather potentially rock the boat than not say anything and allow a child to continue to be abused. I think many times people are too swayed by the voices who cry about “accusations ruining people’s lives” to actually act. While I’m sure being investigated for something like this is

I did this about 10 years ago. Living in an apartment complex and noticed some shady goings on with the people across the courtyard. Kids in and out but never for long and the kids looked unclean and hungry. Went on for awhile and finally I needed to do something. Called the police. The place got raided. Turned out

Social worker here. You’d be surprised how shitty state agencies run when it involves the health and welfare of children. I would encourage you to look up Danieal Kelly. One of the most extreme cases of neglect I’ve read about. I seriously reconsidered working with kids after reading about the case. Also, you’ll going

It’s frustrating and aggravating that despite the numerous times this has come up-it came up again yesterday-the worst offenders refuse to be mindful of how much oxygen they are taking up in a space specifically for women (it’s in the tag line even!) and continue to manspread on every post, including those posts about

I’m sort of bummed with Jez currently. The commentariet seems to be taken over by a lot of dudes who get in first to mansplain all the sex shenanigans, give their hot takes on Trump etc., and generally dominate the threads. This really used to be a place for women to give their opinions, reveal their stories, and

When politicians talk about the economy, they talk about the stock market and corporate profits.

More tickets have been sold in the first 24 hours of presale, not for the actual opening.

I wonder if part of this is about women who would rather believe they were seduced than assaulted. It’s often easier to act like you were a willing participant than accept the reality. And if you are a woman of a certain age, it had to be damn near impossible to escape predators.

please god tell me this is the end of everybody wanting to be like those mythological French Women that hack journalists write articles about, that never get fat and always dress better than us.

She should personally give him a proper tongue lashing for the mom comment. Chelsea is probably the most well-adjusted child of a president in the 20th century and possibly ever. She grew up in the white house, was made fun of by grown people who liked to point out her awkward phase, Hillary spent a great deal of

I love seeing this. I just finished writing an opinion piece about the jacked up way in which Hillary Clinton has been covered by TV pundits, and I mentioned Chris Matthews. Because he fucking sucks.