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    There’s also the issue that the only way Ryan can do this is by taking all the amenable Republicans and then all the Democrats. That’s his only shot. So it HAS to be nice enough to get the Dems to agree. And THEN he’ll get it from he right wing for working with Democrats.

    I read Franken’s book, Giant of the Senate, recently, and it was very enlightening. Especially about how he has to be careful with off the cuff remarks due to Republicans who get the joke just fine but will pretend they don’t get it in a specific way to make it the most awful thing to say ever.

    I got in trouble with my mom when I burst out laughing that when they were apartment hunting a year ago in the area they ruled out a place just because the apartments across the street had police tape and a car and the receptionist at the place they were touring couldn’t tell them why right then and there.

    Oh but Kamala Harris is obviously a neoliberal shill who’s just Hillary 2.0... /s

    As a history undergrad, people who say they have history degrees, especially advanced degrees, need to list their specialties. You don’t specialize in all of history, and theses are VERY focused when you do them. Like, my specialties are American Civil War (mostly this), Salem Witch Trials, WW2 with a focus on

    He’s really good. A lot of people complained he wasn’t as smart as in the EU but really he only loses at times due to shit utterly out of his control (usually the people he has to work with fucking up, which is exploited sometimes by certain Rebels) and he genuinely tries to compensate for that. That or because he’s

    In my opinion s2 could be marathoned easily but I’d need breaks for s3, since it was heavier because Thrawn was involved and there was a lot more tension.

    As a Floridian from the Bible Belt I will vouch on the suberbs things. I grew up in an area that was pretty much all suburbs, it’s just the “town” area was already built up when we moved in while the “beach” side built up while I grew up there. So the town suburbs think the beach is a bunch of yokels while the beach

    Holy shit that is an amazing maternity dress. She looks great in it!

    True, Link is very versatile.

    Reaper’s got competition for the Beyblade game!

    Yeah, my grandma’s assisted living place serves HUGE salads. Most people eat half and then take the other half up to their room for he next day. My family does that at a lot of restaurants, too, my dad loves having nice leftovers to bring into work for his next-day lunch. Instead of just a sandwich or homemade salad

    I remember one of my textbooks was from a third party seller on there (it was a specific edition of Agamemnon) and good god did they mess up. They sent it to someone in SC (both my home and school were in FL) who of course sent it back. Amazon marked it as being on-the-way the whole time, even after the seller got it

    But but but...that would be ACTUAL WORK! And yelling at my own side is safer! And I don; actually have to put work into my argumen because if I yell at my own side, they already know what I’m talking about and I don;t have to put any effort into what I’m doing! And then I get to score points at beating someone who

    Might be able to catch this one now. Reports are coming out that it exploded.

    Yep. My high school teachers told us flat out, no, they would not accept any friend requests until we graduated. Another one went into detail about the kind of stuff they could not post—they could not post pictures of them drinking. Anything from beer at the beach to wine at a fancy shindig was out, because that

    Plus it ignores that cheaper foods often need to be given in higher quantities. When my dog was a puppy I was a little low on cash and the vet suggested Purina Puppy Chow as an alternative (we were on Taste of the Wild, it was what the breeder fed him). Thing is, Purina Puppy Chow wanted me to give him nearly six cups

    Yep. I only let my folks give my dog scraps and in his bowl. Preferably just juice runoff from meat put on top of his food, but they can scrape some other crumbs and such in there if they want.

    Yeah, I use Taste of the Wild too. I tried a cheaper food, but then had to feed my dog almost twice as much of it so almost all savings were lost ANYWAY and he didn’t seem to like it much so I switched back. If I buy the biggest bag it lasts about two months or so, which is pretty good.

    I was hopeful for Baywatch and then the reviews came out and I was stunned at how bad they were.