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    1) that doesn’t help with poachers, a lot of them are very good at sneaking past guards. It also doesn’t help keep numbers up the way focused breeding programs can, depending on species.

    Plus food sensitivity (particularly texture sensitivity) is a thing for those of us on the autism spectrum. I WISH I could eat more stuff but so much of it just tastes so darn awful. I’m still trying to figure out why people insit on mixing flavors and textures so gosh darn much, it’s always awful to me but then I’m

    People without broken taste buds are so lucky. There is so much stuff where I’m like that looks/smells great! Got to try it! And then I choke on it. Hate it when that happens.

    I’m going to ask you something: where will that facility get the money? That’s part of the issue with the “just put them in a sanctuary” plan: where do you put it, how do you handle it, how do you fund it, and most importantly how do you make sure the sanctuary actually does better than the previous place?

    Hoo boy this sounds like a real mess. Especially since she had such trouble finding a lawyer.

    According to the Guardian, 32 in the last 17 years alone!

    I love this.

    Look at the couches. No way they’re not jumping on those couches. Those are good couches for jumping.

    That’s part of it. I also think part of the problem is the “anti-PC” culture which so obsessed with being “non-PC” (aka: an asshole) for the sake of it without understanding anything about what you’re actually saying or doing beyond “lol, makes the liberals mad!”

    Our neighbors had a smartlock, but it was for a key box with the spare key. They put it high up (I actually had to jump to hit the numbers) but had it so they or my family could get in if someone lost a key or they needed us to check their pool pump while they were out of town.

    That was something my architecture teacher complained about all the time in FL. “Everyone has these doors with big windows in them...don’t they know that means the lock is useless?”

    I actually think Arya’s plot is the one that makes the most sense-in universe. It’s a deconstruction of the revenge plot. Arya wanted to avenge her family only to find out the more public part of the avenging (taking out the Boltons, killing Joffrey, killing Tywin, retaking Winterfell) was all done totally without

    I think the worst convient nonsense is “kill a White Walker and all its Wights drop, kill the Night’s King and that stops everything.” Like...are we in a Video Game now?

    Honestly given all the show cut no way it could have the same endings to a lot of plots as the books. They dropped Lady Stoneheart and Aegon, the latter of which meant dropping Doran and Varys’ plots. They also cut Tyrion’s whole Essos plot which initially people thought was okay until it ended up just reducing Tyrion

    The idea from the framing looked to me like he thought he could maybe get to the Night’s King and kill him before realizing he had no chance and stopped, but the hesitation was still too long and cost them.

    Yep. I think it started becoming clear in s5 that when they don’t have canon they don’t know what to do (see their disasterous rewrite of Dorne: while the books’ Darkstar plot was stupid, that was worse, you did not need that awful plot just to cut Darkstar, and they totally undemrined all of House Martell in the


    “United Daughters of the Confederacy”

    Don’t know. I know Jews went 75% against him as a bloc but idk how long the hardliners will hold. I know their more liberal relatives hate their guts for voting for him and it has caused a lot of infighting.

    Lee was offered the command of the Union. If he didn’t want to fight for the Confederacy, he didn’t have to. Other Virginians DID fight for the Union. There’s a nice long list of Union Virginia Regiments over on Wikipedia for anyone who wants ‘em.