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    Actually they want most animals dead given their tactics. The majority of animals they “rescue” they kill and they’re against most conservation programs. So yeah, more like they want to just get your attention.

    Back when I was into Hetalia I had this big thing going where I flipped all the colonial relationships that were focused on in the series. Which in some ways ended up making no godamn sense so I was doing a crapton of research to even try to get it there. It was fun as a mind excercise. It was still pretty

    One thing that gets me, as someone who likes to tell stories, is that they have yet to pitch a story. They’ve got just a concept, “modern world with slavery continuing in the Southern US as the CSA due to the Civil War ending differently.”

    Yep. Even the GOP is fed up with it.

    Eh, I’ve done level grinding or played Animal Crossing on the DS or 3DS to help me fall asleep since high school. Usually get in at least 45 minutes before my brain is bored enough to sleep.

    I await the nuanced responses and logical debate that is sure to follow.

    Good luck! May you succeed!

    There’s two chapters in Al Franken’s book Giant of the Senate about his Republican colleagues. One is about most of them and how he’s learned to get along with them to get at least the smaller stuff done, the stuff that doesn’t make huge news but still needs support, and how while he can’t unfairly hate Jeff Sessions

    Rumor around the Pentagon is you’re right, McCain agreed he’d be the one to do it but Graham and a few others were considering it being them instead. It was always going to be only one, and McCain decided it would be him, but the moderates were not happy and Ryan did not alleviate their fears of the house

    Because grr, grr, we should have single payer by now even though in some states that have Democratic Senators it’s still really unpopular (I mean really even freaking California couldn’t pass it) and those senators might, you know, have to listen to their voters!

    This might cheer you up. Seems the moderate GOP in the house are fed up with Ryan constantly caving to the Freedom Caucus and won’t sign onto any budget that doesn’t have Dem input. And they’re willing to play dirty id that’s what it takes.

    Yep. The base doesn’t just need to be loud it needs to be consistent. You can’t say “give me something” and then when they do decide you’re still going to abandon them and vote third party/stay home since you feel they’re insincere or the other guy would’ve been better or something else.

    Plus on a lot of the mainstream outlets, McConnell cam out looking like a kid throwing a hissy fit (a lot of outlets noted his angry, scowling, crossed-arms stance when McCain voted) while Schumer looked poised and gracious and ready to get some work done. Given how much the American people are tired of congress

    The fact that many at the Pentagon were genuinely worried he was announcing war/nuclear strike on North Korea between the first two tweets was telling to me. They genuinely think he’s that bonkers and I think that will undermine him hugely.

    I cannot state ENOUGH how the to everyone but the far left Hillary was a very liberal candidate and the idea of her as a conservative was laughable (seriously, go fucking tell a Republican you didn’t vote for her because of that, they’d laugh at you). But NO....


    I love how people act like they haven’t embraced things that are already in the platform, I truly do.

    Yep. If they either want to do something or defeat something they need to court the GOP. It happens.

    Yep. There’s already discord in the House because the moderate GOP are getting fed up with the Freedom Caucus and and threatening Ryan over it. Essentially “we’re sick of you caving to them, but if the thirty or so of US team up with the Dems instead of you, you’re fucked.”

    Yep. Now it gets even more complicated and more fun. Fun with an /s of course.