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    Urgh, the texting thing. If I wasn’t an early bird I’d have killed my family for all the times their east coast butts started a texting chain at 4am CA time. Lucky them I AM an early bird so I usually was about to wake up or was awake anyway but STILL.

    As Colbert put it, it is now the highest grossing Bollywood musical!

    The guy lived.

    In front. People were trying to take pics through the windshield, from the video I saw.

    Exactly. You’d need a whole episode just to sort the mess of it and explain it all! And even then you’d be leaving things out since they’re allegedly jumping from the 1860s to today, there’s just too much to cover easily.

    I’m actually on his side after seeing the video, the people were crowded so close around the car it was almost inevitable someone got hit. Like, I get it, they’re paparazzi, but trying to lean in front of a car to get a picture through the windshield is a bad move if the war is in motion.

    Exactly. The further back you want to go to make a change, the more alterations to world history you have to account for. I mean, modern slavery isn’t anywhere NEAR the same as how slavery functioned in America before the Civil War, too. It’s more things like when low wage workers enter a country and their bosses hold

    That’s kind of where I see a big difference too.

    My question is: Mexico. Does Mexico see that Texas is now held by a weaker power than the full US and take it back? Does the North help them in retribution? Do the North and Mexico just routinely support slave rebellions to weaken their neighbor and strengthen themselves?

    Yep. And there can be good OCs—hell, there have even been some good possession sues when they own up to is, there’s this great Song of Ice and Fire one where the author ends up as Theon and it is gloriously weird and wonderful.

    “only 20k or so”

    I think it’s because people have more OCs when they’re younger so those tend to be of lesser quality. On the other than, there are legitimately some amazing OC fics out there—as a Naruto fan there were some real gems in the pile.

    I mean, Bella was written as intentionally bland so girls could slot themselves into her shoes. SM has admitted that several times. So yeah, self inserts in place of Bella makes total sense.

    Actor shipping has really ramped up. I think it’s because you get the fandom fans from fansites and the celeb fans from tabloid sites meeting and some of them get way too into it.

    Yep. Actor Shipping has gotten super out of control. And it depends on how the ship for the characters polices itself whether or not it ends up thriving—fandoms that come down harder on it early on, especially when there’s harassment, tend to head it off.

    I’ve heard part of it is because his base is split over his treatment of Sessions. Fox hasn’t known what side of that to come down on, for example, and it’s not going over well with the base. So this could be his saving throw.

    We’ll have to see.

    For fuck’s sake, you don’t need to misgender her to call her a fucking awful sellout, come on. Transphobia doesn’t stop being transphobia when you aim it at an asshat.

    Mattis is on vacation. Something tells me he’s going to have to cut it short.

    You can call her an idiot without misgendering her, come on. Don’t be a bigot, just call her the privileged dumbfuck that she is.