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    I mean no landmark legislation, no heathcare, infrastructure, or tax reform. no nothing that he can say “look at what I did!” about. His butt’s gotten repeated kicked in the courts over the travel ban even with the minor victory it had to be scaled back to allow grandparents and other close relatives, world leaders

    Some of them are in it deep. My grandma tried to give my conservative aunt an out by noting how my aunt was initially all in for Ted Cruz and trying to say “come on, even if would have been better” but nope, aunt is totally on board the Trump Train and thinks he’s the smartest, the best businessman, going to get it

    Yep. A lot of people have no idea the kind of data that is being collected on them.

    Plus as the hearings over SOPA showed, they really don’t understand a lot of this stuff. So they’re flying blind even before donors and corporate interests get involved.

    This is about where I’m at right now.

    And if they get mad they’ll blame Obama and probably Hillary.

    He’ll still be talking about her in 2020. I don’t even think he’ll be running, just that he’ll still be talking about it. Like everyone will be watching Rand Paul vs. Al Franken or whoever else is up and Trump will still be talking Clinton.

    *gives you all the stars*

    Plus there’s the fact that missing a thing or two one the form the first time can be chalked up to a mistake, but Jared’s already had THREE go rounds where he’s left things off. That’s where it’s clear he’s doing it on purpose.

    I mean...just wow. Wow.

    Mattis is probably the most competent person in the administration; even if you don’t agree with a lot of his conservative stances (I do not agree with a lot of them, myself) he at least gives a shit about how policy affects the man on the street and the troops on the ground. Like how he helped block the bill that

    Oh, I don’t think Tillerson is better than someone who’d know what they were doing, certainly. But he does seem like he’s at least, you know, trying to do the job he was hired for which is more than most of the people in this administration.

    Pentagon rumor mill is that he’s not happy about how slow the replacement process is going, no.

    Plus Mattis won’t like it. He and Tillerson meet weekly and are pretty much the Sane Kids of the bunch.

    Yep. He and Mattis are pretty much the only ones trying to keep things sane and, well...it’s not going well for them.

    The news in the Pentagon is he and Mattis are swamped trying to be the sane people at the table. Mattis is mad since Tillerson’s been short-staffed and Mattis actually wants diplomats doing diplomacy, not the armed forces. Tillerson’s been leaning on Mattis for help when he can but the administration’s been such a

    Apparently Tillerson and Mattis meet weekly to try and work with what they’ve been given. They’re sort of the sane club of the administration, since Mattis cares more about how things affect people on the street and troops on the ground, not the rhetoric, and Tillerson genuinely wants to try and do his damn job

    I wish her luck. A very sad game I’ve been playing lately is “Is this an alt-righter pretending to be a leftist to troll, of a leftist who is parroting the alt-right without a care?” Very hard to tell sometimes.

    I don’t know if she was trying to get promoted out or not. Or who would have promoted her out if she was.

    Yeah, the idea was this big pavilion with moving walls they could re-arrange and the walls would have exhibits on them (as a museum studies graduate, stuff flat on a wall is generally considered the most boring kind of exhibit—plus the way it was pitched to us the stuff on the walls would be slow to change if ever).