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    I don’t think any of them are going to go too far. There’s worse than them in almost every early matchup.

    Then why Kelly? She’s been next to nothing on NBC.

    Idk, then Kelly shouldn’t be on here since all she’s done this year is prove she’s irrelvant without Fox. Unless that’s her category, the Irrelevant Without Fox News Lady.

    I’m looking at them and trying to see who can be a contender against the other categories...

    Looks more like awkwardly hugging someone in a realistic bear suit to me.

    Yep. People mistook Megyn for an amazing person at getting the truth out of conservatives but in reality she was someone who just caught her guests off guard once in a while by going against the party line on Fox, where they assumed they would go unchallenged. Now that she’s NBC she is the enemy and they go in

    I had to hunt so hard for jeans that didn’t fall off all the damn time. Never let that come back.

    At this point I wonder if the writers were just relying on Sansa’s hatedom to let them get away with half-assing Jon’s side of the argument. The only strike against Sansa is when she brought it up, whereas Jon’s plan (leave kids in charge of houses when we’re about to face a dead army) is a terrible idea.

    And SANSA is the one who saved his and everyone else’s asses. Which of course they all have forgotten.

    Thank you! I hate how no ones paying attention to him leaving kids in charge of houses when that is the worst possible idea right now! Last Hearth is the last place to put a kid!

    I’ll admit it never really grabbed me and I only finished it because I’m a compulsive book finisher (I think part of the issue was it was sold to me as good because I liked Harry Potter, I was in third grade or so). But this looks SO GOOD. I love a good fantasy/sci-fi film so I’m so hooked!

    Yep. I remember one Splatfest where it was like 75 to 25 popularity wise. 75 spent most of the time fighting each other since that’s all there was to fight.

    Or even not having popularity count at all, given popularity and wins were often on opposite ends of the spectrum for the more skewed splatfests since the popular team ended up mostly playing against itself while the unpopular team got to always fight matches that counted.

    Have to justify the giant vacuum cleaners somehow!

    As I repeated several times, people are misunderstanding me. Kids sharing a room with each other, fine. But I think kids need a room away from their folks when possible, especially given how overbearing a lot of western parenting has gotten (never underestimate the ability to shut a door for a bit and cool your

    To be fair some people really do entertain often. Hell, my social-butterfly cousin had 3 parties when she graduated from college since no one could make any single date. 1 for most of her local friends, 1 for the rest of her local friends, and the last for family. My poor aunt was pooped by the end of it all but

    Yup. I don’t really have a “style” myself (I have preferred colors but that’s what paint’s for), which is good since I’m more concerned with transport options and that it needs to allow my dog. I’ll work with what I get when I eventually get it.

    Russia’s had something of a crackdown down on US agencies after they discovered the amount of abuse going on. Putin may have loosened it a bit but it’s still much easier to go to poorer or wartorn nations.

    The hate is so freaking stupid. And I can only imagine how much worse it would have been for Michelle if she tried actually influencing or creating policy (I mean, can you comprehend what Hillary-hate conspiracies all over would be plus racism?). Look at what she got just for “let’s try to improve the nutritional

    Rather darkly hilariously, my driver’s ed teacher actually told us as kids to do shit like the people who hit her did to get a new car. He claimed if you had right of way to enter an intersection, most people will assume the other person is at fault even if they weren’t doing anything wrong, and you could take