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    Most seem to be couples with grown, moved-out kids, but there are the few loonies with actual kids. Poor kids.

    Always drove me nuts when the people on the show have medium or larger dogs. Like, wtf are you subjecting that poor animal to a house they can barely manuver in? They can’t climb ladders and most of the stairs will be too steep, especially as the dog ages. Like there were these two idiots looking at maybe living

    edit: replied to you instead of in general, my bad.

    Urgh, I get that a lot too. I’ve been roughly the same size since high school (8, but since I’m 5'4" that’s allegedly “borderline obese” which, lol, please) and people always bring up the fact that many my fav foods are unhealthy (mac and cheese, hot dogs, cheese balls, doughnuts, ice cream with an admittedly obscene

    Yep. I’m insanely picky (we blame my Asperger’s tossing my sense of taste into overdrive) so my parents usually didn’t care what I ate so long as it was something and fruits and veggies entered the mix occasionally. I remember trying a bunch of new fruits in first grade and hating every one but getting extra ice cream

    Yep. Hell, the new Ghostbusters inspired a new movie test in some online circles I’m in called the Pizza Test: a group of women in a film are eating something other than salads or health foods and absolutely no one comments on their weight, about diets, or the healthiness of the food. They just eat the food like it’s

    Yep. Only got it for a camp that had what was allegedly a minor church component but got a new hard right baptist pastor and well, first the idiot said animals don’t go to heaven when my family had a very old dog and argued with me since I logically pointed out that it wouldn’t be eternal paradise for me if I got

    Presumably due to legal stuff they can’t outright say “fire”.

    Given my hometown is now trying to argue they should only need a high school diploma to be a teacher (aka most people with degrees won’t teach there for such shit pay) some of it is also desperation. And crappy teachers know it. Crappy teachers know some districts are genuinely just looking for warm bodies and then go

    What’s really funny is even when the union cooperates they have to follow procedure which can take like, a year. That happened with a teacher at one school my mom taught at. Union fully cooperated with helping to revoke her tenure, but it took a whole year to do it since the charge (that she was essentially ignoring

    To be fair, people approach suicide many ways. Some are entirely calm and rational about it.

    Yep. Mine agreed I did need the drugs which turned out to be very true when the generic that came out in high school didn’t work on me and well, it was a huge backslide in the month it took to get a refill of the previous stuff. Doctor spent the next seven years or so writing “NO GENERIC” in huge letters on ever

    I had a teen bible to, but it was actually kind of rad in that it discussed the fact that not all bibles agree—there was an insert about James, the maybe-younger-brother of Jesus and how some bibles leave him and other siblings out, possibly because some early writers wanted the son of god to be an only child or


    Given he previously claimed the US wants to be a champion for the enviroment and an energy leader (yes really), I’m pretty sure it was grade A bullshit. Again, the faces Macron and people in the crowd were making....

    Plus the most recent “Walter Cronkite” was named John Stewart and he hates their fucking guts, as do his successors Colbert, Oliver, Bee, and Noah.

    Plus the most recent “Walter Cronkite” was named John Stewart and he hates their fucking guts, as do his successors Colbert, Oliver, Bee, and Noah.

    Mom just turned on the TV and Trump’s giving a speech. Macron keeps making wtf faces. Especially when the only thing Trump could say about France was “they helped us in the revolution.” Guy ended up just staring off to the side Trump wasn’t on at one point.

    Good for them. Sounds like your school took on the role most of the clubs and the handful of greek orgs did at mine where they did the facilitating directly.

    There’s also this subset called MGTOW or Men Going Their Own Way who claim to be men who wish to, idk, break the chains society forces on them and cease all contact with women because of how awful we are. Naturally almost everything they do is whine about women, to the point of several new recruits getting frustrated