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    Rather hilarious, my FL driver’s ed instructor told us if we ever want a new car and someone’s in the middle of an intersection, to T-bone them and claim they ran the light/stop sign.

    Given he was never in charge of the DNC servers he couldn’t have given them over if he’d been asked to, which he wasn’t.

    There’s actually this fascinating thing someone once called “Kirk Drift” (about how Kirk is misremembered as just a guy who solved things by shooting them and a womanizer) about how popular culture affects now only the popular perception of a show but how some fans themselves end up remembering it. It explains, for

    Worst part is, he probably did it on a whim, but his Neo-Nazi fans will take this as him endorsing their positions and become emboldened by the “sign” that he’s actually on their side.

    Depends if Finn hooks up with Rey or Poe, really.

    And he knows how to make it look good.

    Whole suits. Matching pants and jacket. He’s not a wool like of guy.

    Agreed. My dad had to buy five whole suits upon moving to work in DC at the Pentagon (he needs to wear one every day, thankfully mom is great at finding deals and he got them all for a good price for the quality he needed). That’s just too much, especially with how hot it’s been. We need fashionable menswear that’s

    Yep. Stand Your Ground has been used to redefine self defense from “proportional response” to “I felt very slightly threatened and will escalate things and that’s okay.” It also means in some cases it’s more prudent to kill than injure since it can’t be an I-said they-said if they are dead, and then you can construct

    It’s a common tactic. People feel threatened by others who are smarter than them and thus create an elaborate fictional reality where in fact they are the smartest and in the know and smart people are actually “retards” who are too stupid to know we’re stupid and everyone else is “too PC” to tell us. That was big when

    And the other liberals in those areas impacted by gerrymandering and voter suppression that prevent them from electing officials trying to actually help them.

    Gal Godot was a fitness instructor who never saw combat. Her pro IDF statements have all been against Hamas, not Palestine.

    Yup. thing I plan to buy with my first paycheck is the volumes for the Punk Hazard and Dressrosa sagas of One Piece. Those scans got me through some though times in grad school.

    Sounds like an interesting combo of psychic, bookie, and PR person.

    Haven’t you ever wondered why music executives are often depicted as satanic figures in pop culture, cartoons, and such?

    No, it’s just that the rape case won’t go to trial until 2017 and her career has suffered for years in the meantime.

    Pokemon Splatfest on Splatoon!

    Well...one, you did know the Hoshido faily, you were just fostered in Nohr a la Ned Stark by Jon Arryn.

    Same here, with additional accusations that the PC seems to just go along with whatever and holds the idiot ball to justify some plot points.

    I’m neither for a different reason: I only want to play Revelation, becuase in the other two routes you’re prevented from getting to the bottom of the conflict, and I’d have to pay extra to actually do that. Also I’ve heard in Conquest you hold the idiot ball a lot to justify the plot, so that nixed my plan of maybe