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    I think you hit the nail on the head: a lot of the actions of the factions don’t make sense with their missions. The Railroad is for synths...but also mindwipes them into thinking they are human which gives us problems. How the Institute never thought “let’s make non-self-aware machines do the labor” is beyond me

    People want the person in charge to make decisiont ehy want, but a lot of people miscontrue that as “be like me” which is then miscontrued as “someone I’d want to han with.” I may be pretty awesome, but I’d be a shit president. No tolerance for crowds, too short a temper, and too snarky.

    I mean, she’s not wooden like Kerry, she’s more like stone. Which in some ways makes her kind of a badass and makes me think she can get the job done...but it also doesn’t make her “likable” per say.

    Likability is a big reason W won in 04 and was so close to Gore in 2000 to where we had the shenanigans. Charisma is sadly a factor and Americans decided they wanted the guy they’d rather have a beer with. Frankly I wish his presidency had been a lesson about that but the GOP are all determined not to seem smart or

    Thing is, I don’t feel Hillary has a lot of charisma. On the other hand, I hate Sarah Palin’s guts but must admit she has charisma flowing out her ears. Hillary does feel competent and clever and able to handle bullshit, tho, so that’s frankly better than charisma to me.

    It’s also the ultimate flaw n predestination. God, being omniscient, already knows if you’re going to heaven or hell so you can’t change it. My response to that is “why both to act good at all then if religion is your only scource of morality?”

    I remember in John Oliver’s peice on fines he noted that a man was jailed twice over his inability to pay the fine for stealing a cn of beer. The fine was in the hundreds. The man’s attorney pointed out that it cost the state over $3500 to jail him, makit it entirely non-cost-effective.

    And it seems we are in for a truly fantastic showing of #NotAll“Pro-Life” today in the comments. Because as Huckabee said, they are the true victims here today. Let us recall the blessed dismiss option and remember that engaging fools merely gives them a stage. Thank you.

    THIS. My mom teaches an elementary autism/special needs class and the way the parents and grandma of one little boy manipulated things to the detriment of everyone else infuriates me.

    Will you then take a Scrooge McDuck dive?

    And the belt? Is that some weird growth or something?

    I totally agree. Hell, my ninth grade world histroy teacher didn’t make it past Elizabeth I, but she managed to be interesting and not overly Euro-centric so I think that’s a fair trade.

    Ratings. The fans get annoyed but still watch, and non-fans may think it looks interesting enough to be drawn in. It’s like when they advertisted Damian Wayne’s death before the issue it happened in came out. Sure, it pissed off the fanbase, but plenty of people still read and bought the issue.

    Seriously, it’s like when people say Lion King is WWII (Scar is Hitler, Hyenas are Nazis, Timon and Pumbaa are the Americans, yadda yadda).

    Class of 2010 here. Only reason my high school history was good was because the school made American History a double course, and even then we only got to WWII. We actually did get 1812 and WWI in to a satisfying degree, and the Trail of Tears, Depression, pre-Revolution and so on. Civil War is still a huge unit,

    You know, I was wondering about this. I men, surely these idiots have people who brief them, make them info packets, you know? Turns out they do, they just don’t care about it.

    So why are we letting Meyer near a strong female protagonist again?

    Milk. With cookies. Throw everything else out and have milk with cookies. We need sugar in these dark times.

    I’m pretty sure Rubio’s pulling a Romney: wait for a bunch of his competition to disqualify themselves via crazy while he coasts along on donor money (and he’s got a whole lot of it), then come in near the end as the only “electable” choice.

    I think a major part of the issue is that we’re coming to grips with the fact that Bond is not as appealing a character as he once was. It doesn’t help that the basic idea—super spy who singlehandedly saves the day and gets any woman he wants—is one that’s not only been done to death but parodied to death by this