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    This kind of thing happens at a lot of cons. A fandom I am in had a massive kerfuffle this summer when, at a con, there were going to be photoshoots with the actors, singles and pairs. One pair was a popular canon couple. Fans of a fairly popular noncanon ship, of the woman of the couple with another person (which

    4 Major parts to that gospel:

    This was atually a thing in some other countries over a decade ago. Like in 2000 the Chinese Yuan was 8 to the dollar and for some reason people would actually give you a minor discount if you paid in dollars (only in tourist areas).

    This was posted on Think Progress a day or two ago and hoo boy did the TP Trolls come out swinging to where they are dominating the comment section. Remember to dismiss, not reply!

    Agreed. It would probably kill them to even keep it within the same family of sciences. Guy who knows engineering? Do we ask him about robots, or architecture, or maybe the properties of certain materials? Nah, let’s ask him whether or not the odd lights we’ve been seeing in the sky can be scientifically explained!

    As my aunt. She went to NC for college and has been that way ever since according to her family. Her born-and-raised SC husband is more liberal than her! Still pretty conservative, but better at conceding “the libs have a point” once in a while.

    Agreed. My mom had seven miscarriages, one before me and six after. my folks really, really wanted me to have a sibling. Never happened.

    I always just called it Super Saiyan Beyond God because it came after SSG.

    As a Floridian, we have snakes. Invasive alien snakes. I mean, I love snakes but the pythons need to gtfo.

    The shortest time it took me to vote was in college, and it was 2 days before election day. I had a ride to the voting center (University of Tampa had shuttles that year) that took about ten minutes each way. Then once I got to the building it took another ten minutes for someone to tell me where the voting was—there

    It should be a three day event and every employer must guarentee that each employee will get one of those three days off. That way we don’t get whining about essential services getting shafted because they will still be manned. A business with 30 workers can either give them all the same day, give 15 one day and 15

    The biggest reason they want to do that is because they know cities are generally more liberal and also the places where people are least likely to own as opposed to rent. It’s just more gerrymandering.

    I know a lot of people who are adopted and the hoops they have to jump through to get their birth certificates are insane. It always costs money, too.

    Disney would never allow it. Do you have any idea how much money they make of FL? Seriously, they would annihilate any attempt of FL to leave.

    Oh, it gets better: I had all of them use the bathroom before me (so we had no potty emergencies), gave them some toys, and asked them to sit outside the room until I was done. One of them took another’s toy, broke it (it had detachable parts), and started hitting the other two with the pieces. It was like...why?

    I work at a craft store and we had a whole little dirve aisle full of this crap. Only things that really sold are the ribbon (which is available year round and only goes on sale in Oct) and the socks. My guess on the latter is people didn’t think about breast cancer, they just wanted a pair of cheap socks and it was

    Kony 2012 actually led to vandalism at my school. See, you could actually put up posters all over the place already (as in, every floor of ever residence hall, certain places in every residence hall lobby, certain places in every other building...), but these assholes decided they wanted to go the extra mile and spray

    Really part of the issue is you have to ask “where might an abuser allow their victim to be alone?” and figure out how to get recources there (maybe a free hotline phone?) and let the abused know of them without alerting abusers “hey, never let your victim be alone here.”

    Yeah that’s the only potentially weird one...of course one time I was babysitting three kids for a day and of course the time there was an issue was the three minutes I took to pee.

    I mean, I could maybe buy it if they showed her, idk, getting complacent after a decent amount of time has passed becuase that might make some sense. It could be that happened and the trailer just makes it look like she fucks up immediately. But if she’s been doing it for weeks and nothing seems to be off and maybe