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    They need to look into why. If it’s because you genuinely didn’t have the money, maybe work out a better payment schedule or maybe something with community service instead (there is always some public place that needs trashed picked up, or maybe some other menial-but-needed tasks).

    Once Upon a Time. Season 4 really showed they are out of ideas, determined to make Regina a hero by having her mimic Emma while Emma gets degraded and pushed aside and Regina’s victims apologize to her, and free will got thrown out the window.

    I’m not sure myself, but I grew up in the FL panhandle and it confused me too. Generally most people in the area I’m in switched to Mahi-Mahi over the years, probably becuase all the dolphin rescues in the area made people wonder too much.

    Fun mannequin story!

    Discord appreciates their dedication to his cause of getting people to yell at each other for no good reason.

    Just pick any of the other 1-2%ers. I vote Jindal.

    Or Walker, who’s generally not tooting the crazy horn just yet while still being a sack of shit.


    Who else wants to find a way to at least tie them to a speedboat?

    He is different...on foreign polity and some aspects of the justice system, and nothing else. Just like Lindsay Graham, who I cannot hep but mockingly imitate whenever speaking about him, is different from othrer Republicans on climate change, and nothing else.

    American is generally “libtard” from what I’ve seen.

    Think Progress was besieged by trolls haring on the fact that the theater was a gun free zone. Yeah, we really needed more people shooting.

    In my case it was becuase I didn’t think about the film that much even before the shooting. Sort of just “oh, raunchy sex comedy for women, I know some women who want that” so it took me a while to remmeber even what it was, and so even longer to put together the connections.
    I originally just assumed Trainwreck must

    Dang it! I was was doing so well with the trolls on the Gawker thread, too...

    Okay, Lie-berals is a new one...nicely done!

    Huh. Wonder why I’ve never assaulted anyone, shot anyone, or anything like that. Nope, my citizenship seems to check out, wonder what’s caused this odd aberration?

    Bengahzi. Never forget Benghazi.

    So, how long until MRAs deify him alongside Elliot Rodger?

    Yeah. In my case it was a combo of space needs and growing up. By the end of fifth grade I had a totally full bookshelf and a few books in other places. So I hate to clear it out. Ditto around seventh and eleventh grade.

    Eh, if you’re desperate understand but a lot of the time just doesn’t sit well with me. To be fair, a lot of times it was academic books that I knew I was going to either hang onto after the class and want in readable condition or donate and thus want in good condition for whoever got them later. I guess it’s because