Group Capt. Mandrake

I’m sorry those stories are yours. I have similar stories. Being assaulted by a Navy doctor during my gyno exam when I was 17, random men grabbing my breasts on the streets, crotch grabs by hockey players at a frat party, almost being gang raped at another frat party, fondled by a coworker on the stairway, leered at

I think she did more than just make her point awkwardly. It was a strange op-ed for her to write given the moment. Why on earth would you choose this moment to write a piece about how your looks and choices “protected” you from being assaulted? I don’t have a problem with her writing a piece about what it’s like to be

You know what? Based on what you wrote it was an actual assault. Even if the experience did not involve physical force, but coercion, fraud, or manipulation, it was real. Don’t second guess yourself, that’s what they want you to do. I hope you’re OK.

More like one man...rumor is Weinsteins own brother was the source for the story. No one believed all those hysterical bitches, but just one man tells them the same story and all if a sudden it’s front page news. That’s why now.

A neighbor told me once, as we were standing at the bus stop, that she was writing a book, a sort of oral history of women and their experiences being abused or molested. Not the grotesque cases, like Ariel Castro, but the “everyday grotesque” — a young girl being groped by her doctor, a 16 year old having her dad’s

The thing is I understood what she was trying to say, but the problem was her execution. This paragraph here was a huge problem:

Sarah Polley’s op-ed is compassionate, empathetic, and insightful. Unlike Mayim Bialik’s which was standard fundamentalist good girls who dress and act right don’t get raped. She insists she’s being taken out of context and made to be the villain. But I read it and it’s full of the standard victim blaming tropes,

It *is* jarring that these women’s stories are finally being widely heard. It’s good though, and about damn time. Part of me thinks this will mark a sea change in how pervasive sexism and assaults are believed, but I won’t pin my well-being on it.

Angel! You just can’t quit Jez, can you!

I’m procrastinating work. I mean, come on.

It’s so good to see that Angel is still sending us to Blogspot instead of IG Live. Nice piece of nostalgia.

This is what I always ask when people insist that women lie about sexual assault to get ahead in their careers. Can you name one woman — even one — whose career has benefited from making sexual assault accusations? They never can, but they usually mumble something about how there’s lots of women we don’t know about

Would be great hear Marc Jacobs’ oppinion about the Weinstein’s behaviour.

Ronan Farrow has The New Yorker piece with multiple women on the record about Weinstein. I have no doubt he is also working on an investigative piece about Woody, his father/brother-in-law.

1. Can you name a case of a guy winking at a woman at work and then having to call a lawyer?

2. But also don’t wink at women you work with. What are you even thinking with that?