Sad Bunny

*sigh* Winter in the Midwest you don't ever assume "someone picked her up" you call and freaking check! Mad at you or not, you keep calling.

I agree with you on the color but hate the dress overall. The pockets to me read less “avant-garde” and more “I got oven mitts to match my pretty dress and I’m just waiting to take these pans out of the oven”.

Anything that keeps him off movie screens is a good thing.

Carrie Fisher is so badass I love her so much. And these tweets make me love her more.

And she looks great. Fuck ‘em.

LOLWUT? You know Leviticus is the book many Christians love to use to condemn homosexuality....right?

What the fuck is with all the rules? What is this, Dungeons and Dragons?

This reads similarly to Leviticus; it’s just a law of damages pertaining to property. I can’t remember the last time I read something less than 2000 years old that was so sickening. God—if there is a God—help those women.

Shkreli told the [Wall Street] Journal in an interview, saying he was arrested because of a social experiment and teasing people over the Internet, and called the arrest unjust.

But remember, despite the fact they can be driven into a rapey, violent rage by a smile, direct eye contact, or a flash of female wrist or ankle, men are still the wisest, most capable, and most well-suited for leadership than women are.

I wonder if the course should be extended to women and men? Cos internalized misogyny is a thing that affects everyone, not just men...

To me, the last paragraph exemplifies why this is a good idea. It seems like they’re going out of their way to avoid saying “your immigrant ways are wrong” and instead are saying “there are the rules here. even if these rules don’t apply where you are from, they apply in Norway.”

OR they are over the age of 35 and just can’t let a sentence go without proper punctuation because they weren’t raised that way. Cher excepted because she has the soul of a teenager I suppose.

My theory: He just really wanted to talk about rubbing himself in cow shit in public.

John Waters needs to put this guy in his next movie.

Diablo 3 nowadays is like that old friend you don’t always hang out with but as soon as you do get to hang out, things are still good and you have a great time just as you always did. (assuming you can forget that dark period pre loot 2.0 where he was messing around with the RMAH. We both remember it but we agree to

Keychains and nightshirts and clothes for your poodle

“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.” - Douglas Adams

nothing is foolproof to a talented fool