Not to mention that quack snake oil shill Oz.
Not to mention that quack snake oil shill Oz.
Wow. This is brilliant.
No, his facial features are too small for his bloated head.
I think I love you.
Be that as it may, you do not, under any circumstances give away children who are under your care to random people.
I wouldn't give up a cat if it became problematic after adoption, much less tiny, defenseless children.
Shoes should definitely be on this list.
My gyno told me that the hormones in Morena and other hormonal IUDs is actually is only released locally into the uterus; it is not systemic. So I doubt it would have such effects on the rest of your body like systemic hormonal contraception does (the pill, shots, etc.)
If you have any anti-anxiety prescriptions like I do, drop a couple before you go in, they really help with nerves. I heard some insertion horror stories, but when I had it put in, there was actually very little pain. Just some discomfort and cramping after.
I can't handle hormonal contraception either. The Depo Provera shots, and later various forms of the pill, made me seriously mental and robbed me of my libido. And I didn't a woman, at all (does that sound weird?) Not having a cycle for almost a decade had left me feeling oddly gender-neutral.
Any excuse to wear a outrageous wig is awesome in my book.
That dude of honor party sounds like the best thing ever.
I have never seen a bachelorette party that looked anything less than tragic.
That woman is flawless.
Prince side-eye times are the best times.
OMG if you like anything Google, don't get an Amazon device.
Ever notice how the most vehement anti-choice folk totally look like SERIAL KILLERS?
OMG it like emerging from a singularity in spacetime. My future has become my past.
If this were an otome game, I would play the shit out of it.