Sad Bunny

Wow. You're a peach. Don't want to pay tips because of some personal ethics issue? Then feel free to eat at home.

Why couldn't my probability and statistics professor reach me like you just did? My mind? Blown. Thank you.

This. This is an epiphany. You have officially rocked my world.

A prime mister that is female and an atheist?! Please adopt me! My country hates me.

You are so full of win :-)

There there. We can cry together. Impossible not to have to have a emotional reaction to this man, his voice instantly cuts straight to the heart.

I'm in Cleveland, have been most of my life.

When I call, customer service at Cox Communications always tells me "Thank you for choosing Cox," to which I reply "I didn't choose you. I had no other choice. You keep a local monopoly in my area." Their lack of competition shows.

I am in awe of this woman's bravery. The bald honesty is shocking, and something this world needs much much more of. Simply stunning.

So was mine. ;-P

*This opinion was brought to you by Fox News.

Before I went vegan, grilled cheese sandwiches were like my favorite things eva. For years, I enjoyed the classic buttered white bread with American Cheese (food product) sandwich, but an ex taught me the perfect thing to slip inside: slivers of sweet, crunchy mini gherkin pickles. Something about the two flavors

I am so glad to be vegan. This shit just blows my mind.

The Honeymooners always scared me as a kid (reruns, mind you, I'm not that ancient). The whole "To the moon, Alice!" with the angry, shaking fists seemed so baldly violent, and the accompanying laugh track just made it all the more chilling.

I don't know, I always thought Samantha intentionally suppressed her powers because she chose to live the life of a mortal housewife, complete with patriarchal head of household. Not exactly the feminist cup of tea, to be sure, but at least it was her choice.

If I could inhabit any woman's body on this planet and use it as my own, I would want to be Christina Hendricks, without a doubt. Seriously, that woman could make me gay. I realize beauty is a subjective thing, but jesus, these assholes just called bullshit on a modern-day Helen of Troy.

I wants.

I concur. I was once a bartender and a year later became a nanny. Amazed me how similar the two jobs were. You find yourself saying the same things: "Don't touch that!" "Play nice!" "Behave!"