shut up bobby
shut up bobby
Hey, KU football, Gale Sayers isn’t walking thru that door. Nor is Mark Mangino, though for another reason.
Right. I’m sure the new corporate lawyers will be fine with a site that went bankrupt due to libel not changing a thing. It’s so cute you all keep saying that. These sites will be nothing like what they are now in a year and you know it. The once transparent and snarky Gawker can try to fool readers and advertisers,…
Does anyone else agree that Gloria Stuart’s performance was not good? Can we stop pretending like it was?
I love the clarifier there. “Did CC “Giant Fatass Pig” (due to his size) Sabbathia retire?”
Now get him to a broadcast booth. He was shockingly good on TV during the playoffs.
No I haven’t had a drink in weeks but thanks for the concern.
I generally agree that it’s frustrating when men begin to embrace feminist ideology through their relationships with women, rather than recognizing women as independent human beings deserving of equal rights irrespective of their relationships to men.
Does anyone else see that letter as an obvious troll?
I think the age of the boyfriend is left out because the letter is probably trolling to see what the response will be. At least I hope that’s what is happening here. Particularly if whoever is writing Abby has been making some questionable calls on sexual questions, I can see someone sending that in to see if they…
Cranky oldsters who complain about Pokemon Go are so much worse than people who play Pokemon Go.
He’s either cheating on her or he’s actually playing Pokémon Go until 5 a.m.
That headline is a little too real in Hope Solo’s case.
She’s Dr. Luke’s lawyer. Saying the Plaintiff’s claims were meritless is a pretty tame and nice way of handling this situation. Any even moderately competent attorney would say something similar, if not worse, upon a Plaintiff withdrawing high profile and serious accusations/claims against their client, and if a…
The other day I was defending Jezebel against an accusation that people here are overly critical and can’t loosen up. Reading this review and the comments from people who haven’t seen the movie yet... well I think I can see where my friend is coming from.
Knowing Masons, they’ll probably find him at a Lodge somewhere.
“Right now we’re more concerned about Tre Mason’s well-being than we are his football career. Once the season starts, we can stop worrying about his well-being.”
“Cobb once beat up a teammate, the pitcher Ed Siever, continuing to punch him after he was probably already unconscious and then kicking him in the face. He went into the stands and severely assaulted a heckler who was missing seven fingers, having lost them in a workplace accident, even as surrounding spectators…
It’s easy to be magnanimous when you got mad hits like you were Rod Carew.