
I'm assuming you want responses from a number of women. Personally, I think that if you're super-super hairy, particularly in the assal area, yes, some judicious pruning might be advisable. But I'd find a totally pubically hairless partner disturbing, myself. I'd be more in favor of artful trimming than total

That's just creepy as hell. I could see saying, "Isn't this better than being alone?" maybe. But "Isn't this better than being independent?" makes him seem like some kind of male Annie Wilkes.

Anyone who saw her performance in True Romance knew this day was coming. It may have taken 20 years or so to get here, but it was bound to arrive.

And be pawed by her. Ugh.

No, I get it. I think I was misunderstanding your emphasis at first. Now I think what you're saying is that while you still have bad periods sometimes, and you really understand the kind of anguish that could make a child commit suicide, your life is mostly good and happy, and that's exactly what makes this so sad,

I think every time someone talks about their experience with clinical depression, it makes a difference. No, you can't, solely by that act, save anyone else. But you can add your voice to others', and in doing so, help change societal attitudes about and awareness of mental illnesses. Your experience matters. And I'm

Oh, sure, if you can do that, go on with your bad self. I can't, but that doesn't mean everyone can't. I know lots of people who use pot socially, or who use painkillers as prescribed and then throw away what's left of the scrip without a second thought, or whatever. I really hate the idea that's gotten around, both

Yes, I've had that experience, too. It's sort of surreal. At least the last couple of times I had it — and it's been a while, thank Whoever — I've known it for what it was, like, "Oh, this shit again." It doesn't necessarily change how I feel in the moment, but it helps it feel less apocalyptic, if that makes any


Oh, good for you, then. But yeah, you're still stuck there. :( Well, this is what the Internet is FOR.

Well, the Big Book thumpers, like most other fundamentalists, haven't actually read the thing they're thumping, because the Big Book says in no uncertain terms that alcoholics should seek help from psychiatrists and psychologists if they need to. That's my single biggest beef with A.A., or rather with those members

Isolation can really deepen depression, which sucks hard, because isolating is a common response to depression. Is there anyone you'd feel comfortable inviting over for a visit? I often have a hard time asking for that kind of help, but then I remember that I'd want the people I love to call me if they needed to.

You're very welcome. Yes, changing how I perceive what I'm feeling has helped me a lot. Sometimes it can even change how I feel, and at the very least it helps me to recognize that how I feel can and has changed for the better in the past, and there's reason to believe it will again, if I hang in there and do what I

My heart goes out to you. I'm sober, too, and I know what you mean about the whole ripping-off-the-bandaid aspect of that. I've also always said that alcohol and drugs were the best answer I had available to me as a kid (I started getting high when I was around 12), and they kept me alive until I could find a better

You were traumatized, and it shouldn't have had to be your job to handle any of that. The people whose job it was abdicated their responsibility. You came out of it alive, so you did the right thing — the rest of it should have been someone else's concern. I'm sorry they didn't do their job, but you did yours.

Thank you. I get so tired of hearing adults bag on teenagers. Yes, they can be exasperating, but most of the time they come by that honestly, because they're terribly anxious, and lack the life experience to know that they can survive how they feel, and that it can change. They're flailing, while trying to cover up

I don't know if this will be helpful to you, but it was helpful to me: I don't think of depression as my real feelings and the struggle to act differently as being fake. I see my depression as a state in which I can't access all my feelings, and I work to regain that access, the way an athlete, after an injury, will

This is awful. I'm terribly, terribly sorry this was allowed to happen. I wish you could sue the school district.

Well, it's also a matter of realizing that we still have choices, even if those choices are weighted differently. We're humans, we used to walk on all fucking fours, but when we realized it was holding us back, we dropped it. If we can walk erect, we can figure out how not to be douchebags.

Most of the reason I immediately dismiss it is that it tends to be horrifically shitty science. I mean, did you read the article above? This is par for the course. This guy actually believes he was thinking critically about his hypothesis, and this was the best he could do.