But they're not covering it naively, they're questioning it. The whole point to this article is that the author thinks the researcher missed a major point, hence the paragraph I posted.
But they're not covering it naively, they're questioning it. The whole point to this article is that the author thinks the researcher missed a major point, hence the paragraph I posted.
The person to whom it isn't obvious, who considers himself a scientist.
Interestingly, the person who tried to pull that argument with me was actually an MRA, because it was in the context of a discussion about sexual violence, and they were trying to claim that on average women aren't at an inherent physical disadvantage with respect to men (and thus MISANDRY IS EVERYWHERE).
Here is sort of the exception to this: I have responded to profiles where the guy manages to say up front, in the profile itself, in a straightforward but non-pathetically cheesy way, "I'm here looking for someone to have sex with, but I'm not really interested in relationships." In other words, I knew that from the…
Here's another idea: Even in places that are considered the most egalitarian places to have ever existed on earth, this equality is still a relative thing, and it's still a new thing. Norway may rank in the top five countries on the UN Gender Equality Index, but that doesn't mean there's no sexism. Because there…
But the law is actually what is protecting gay people here. What the Texas legislature is trying to do is patently illegal. It's unconstitutional, and if the idiots succeed in passing it, it will only be stricken down. These chuckleheads are showing their utter disrespect for the law. The law isn't just what some…
I would climb Judge Alex like the towering monument to American jurisprudence he is.
How would your not having had a good AP History teacher help me understand why you're swearing at Howard Zinn? I am mystifed.
No, you forgot about Lady Gaga. They HATE Lady Gaga.
And think they're the only people who tip.
Bravo. I have to admit, you fooled me, too, at first. This was mainly because by now I don't read the majority of a genuine version of what you've satirized here so brilliantly, as I prefer to retain the will to live if at all possible. When I saw the other comments, though, I doubled back. Very very well done.
Oh, how awful. I'm so sorry. Gah, this makes me even angrier.
But it's a natural disability.
And not just measles and mumps, mind you, which are bad enough, but rubella, which, if contracted by a pregnant woman and transmitted to the fetus, is likely to leave it with the lifelong developmental deficits these people are supposedly trying to protect children from. Truly this man is one of the giant intellects…
I love this so much. It's a perfect example of righteous trolling.
I clapped. Come on, you have to.
Lots of people just stay that way, and deny that anyone could possibly have had a valid point. Some of them troll here. I still think you're ahead of the curve.
Good for you for learning from the experience, and for letting it make you patient as well as mindful. I'm sensing that this person has an axe to grind that makes it unlikely they're going to get the point, but we'll see.
But that's because you're not walking around with the expectation that, regardless of the circumstances, your comfort and convenience are of paramount importance, and if anything impinges on them, that thing (or person) constitutes an offense to you for which you deserve an apology and some form of redress.
It helps if someone isn't trying really hard not to see the point, which wouldn't be the case here.