
I second this — both the praise for the article, and the desire for the follow-up.

When they're not implicated in them, for one thing. I sincerely doubt that this was going on without anyone higher up getting a kickback.

Yes. You are being a jerk. (You're also trolling, I'm pretty sure, given the way you're responding.) Let's say you're right, though, and the snow coming off your roof would only affect a poor driver behind you who was following too close. (There's all kinds of situations in which that's not true, but let's go ahead

Very helpful, informative post. Thanks!

I just want everyone to know that I told this woman off to her face when I was 17. One of the prouder moments of my life. Obviously she didn't give much of a crap about it, but it made me happy.

Or they could be minimally professional and ask for a name. Are we really trying to pretend that we're surprised by the idea that calling someone "fat" might be hurtful to many people? And before you ask, I've worked at more than one busy take-out/delivery restaurant in my youth. It's not that hard to get a name.

It looks like a small owner-operated restaurant. He's probably a brother or cousin or nephew or neighbor of somebody who already works there.

And now it's time once again to recall the incredible case of Phineas Gage.

This is really the only appropriate response.

Note for gray responders: when you respond to my comment by doing more of what I'm saying is stupid and not at all well intended, I'm not going to reward you for it. If you genuinely give a damn about the broader issues you claim to, then you can cooperate and build on the basis of a more specific protest. If you

All we're ever really talking about when we're talking about being an ally is the baseline behavior for being a decent human being. It's just about having a rudimentary sense of justice, coupled with any ability at all to recognize that you're not the center of the universe. This is apparently too much to ask from

Thanks so much for illustrating for everyone exactly the sort of bullshit pseudo-ally behavior both the original post and chitlins are talking about. It only took you three comments to get to, in effect, "You're the real racist." God forbid you should shut up and listen to the experience of black people, instead of

The resemblance is indeed uncanny.

There's nothing well-intended about #AllLivesMatter. Don't buy that bullshit. It's the classic deliberate misunderstanding of something the user doesn't want to get. It's right up there with "When is White History Month?"

You should know that a year or two ago this commenter responded to me elsewhere thinking that I was the person who'd made this comment, and thanking me for how much I'd helped her child. I am a space shot, so while I couldn't remember what she was referring to, I figured it was just my spaciness, and didn't realize

Thank you for reminding me of this. I want to make a post about it on Backtalk.

I mostly agree with you, to the extent that it was certainly the ADAs who were thoroughly subverting the process they were supposed to be engaged in, and it would have been expecting a lot from any of the grand jurors to have caught that and objected to it. Still, I can't help wishing even one of them had been

Read the transcripts. The chances that the grand jury got it right, given the out and out misdirection they were given by the ADAs, are minimal. What you said about how the SLPD comports itself was on the money. Now think about how likely it is that a member of a police force willing to behave that egregiously toward

I have some fondness for the city, but it's surrounded by the county. Most of the county can and should go fuck itself.

Oh, this wins everything ever.