
Nelson vs Murdock was one of the most riveting hours of tv of the past couple of years. Few shows feature episodes that could reach the level of superb writing that went into this episode.

By casting David Wenham as Harold?

He! Different strokes - I like the whole confused grasshopper thing Danny has going. It's what made me stick through the series because I find it more entertaining than Danny ruling supreme over his fate, emotions and skills.

Look, any values beaten into me as a confused kid by a couple of old geezers with sticks are not values I'd think twice about dodging as soon as I can.

Fancy ice cream is okay - it's the vanilla that gets you in trouble!

Maybe that's what's missing here? The T'ai-chi stands no chance against the mighty salmon ladder.

Yeah, he's not Kwai Chang Caine - and I actually like that. He's got this amazing training beaten into him and has no idea what to do with it, runs away from his duty yet keeps telling people he's the Iron Fist. He's one seriously disturbed grasshopper.

Somebody could also have said to dude who suggested a price of 50 bucks for something that's produced for 5 bucks 'Let's not get greedy - 20 is enough'. But compromise is not good for drama. And yes, they could also have suggested that to Danny instead of just starting to roll their eyes at the fact that someone who

I happen to remember the comments about Amell's acting skills during season one of Arrow. They were not kinder than what we see here.

I took it as Danny making a reference to all the Zen (oops Chan!) talk about the monkey mind (when you're not focused). Maybe the show used it intentionally to show his (actually understandable) lack of cultural sensitivity or maybe the writers were so proud to get that reference to Zen in there that they missed what

Actually both - we first saw F*** off on the monitors but Sherlock then proceeded to walk/write Bollocks.

I suspect something really bad happened - probably at the beach and I'd also bet some good money that Redbeard the dog was involved too - and that Sherlock has repressed the whole episode. Maybe that's part of his hyper-vigilance he observes everything closely because deep down he knows he's missing something.

Blindspot's problem is the writing that won't allow the show to focus on Jane and instead gives us Weller's manpain and daddy issues 24/7. Mitchell's character is actually the saving grace of this season.

Both Zachery Ty Bryan and Jonathan Taylor had parts in Veronica Mars - the later in the episode with the Kiss (and one of Logan's greates quips ever - 'Jump Street'). I miss Veronica Mars.

They're all worth a try - glad the AV club is giving SyFy some love after ditching regular reviews of 12 Monkeys this year and dissing Dark Matter and Killjoys last year.

It's definitely worth a try despite the snark in the article above (of course they have to snark since they dropped the show from regular coverage). I'm normally not a big fan of time travelling plots but this is the exception. It's based on the open loop concept and so far hasn't stumbled with all the problems that

I absolutely loved how the show finally had several characters spell out what had been an underlying theme throughout all episodes: that Brian is a fundamentally good guy who not even the power of NZT can corrupt. He's one of the most likable characters currently on tv and damn did he deserve a win.

"Oh, boy, a new timeline! Just what this series doesn’t need."
It's a show about time-travelling. And not the timey-wimey kind of time-travelling where you just travel around non-fixed points in time as to not change anything important. The basic premise of the show is to change time by time-travelling so a new

Legends of Tomorrow gets away with a lot because it has great characters and doesn't take itself too seriously.

Thanks for putting it that succinctly. I've never been a fan of the story for exactly the points you're making and I quite honestly do not understand why it's supposed to be some litmus test for any adaptation of the original material.