
"It’s notable the show hasn’t established whether or not Jon is capable of having children after, you know, dying—are they both infertile?"

'how could you hurt that face and not be a horrible monster? '
You may want to put that question to Princess Beatrice of York.

Ah, I thought they had already been doing it when they arrived at Keaton's dream house (best thing about the movie). But maybe that was the one occasion the writers gross-radar was on.

I'm a woman and the thing I liked best about the movie were the shots of the engine-room. I wanted to see more tech-stuff, less schmaltz. Also: L.A. Confidential was the better movie.

Eh, reading through that discussion you might be better off. They're all disturbing tales ranging from mildly deranged to dysfunctional to full-on sociopath behavior.

That's hardly a rom-com. Also based on her biography.

Sex, Lies and Videotape gave her her career. She was admittedly good in it. Spader was terrific though and I never understood why his movie career didn't take off the same as hers afterwards.

Dead Poets Society.

Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson in 'Something's Gotta Give'. He was a pathetic horn-dog with a heart disease who had slept with her daughter yet we are supposed to think any woman in her right mind would chose him over a dreamy Doctor who looks like Keanu Reeves and is not opposed to an autumn/spring pairing.

I think Luke Mitchell deserves some praise too. Roman made this season for me and I'm glad he got much better material to work with here than on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Try to watch Zoo instead.

Wedges are the costume departments solution for giving an actress height (to remove blocking problems) when she can't be in heels because she's presumably out and about doing something that no sane person (except Kate Beckett) would do in high heels.

I haven't read the books and I'm on the same page here. There were things in this episode I thought they could have handled better but Bobbie's arc isn't one. I wasn't a big fan before but I've come around and now want to see her gang up with Avarasala and bring hell to everyone on their combined s*itlist.

Dark Matter had a great season two after a lacklustre season one. In hindsight season one had been used to set up the pieces. Here's hoping season three continues the good work.

Numb3rs was one of the few shows that did not only feature a non-neurotic Jewish character (Don - not Charlie) but it also gave him an arc where he started to explore his religious tradition after an agnostic upbringing. I thought that pretty unusual and interesting.

Yeah, I also think that if anyone was owing an apology it was Frankie who threw a tantrum over an obvious problem: any bit of cosmetics containing water requires a preservative - unless you like some mold with your lube. She started to squirt red dye around to protest the use of palm oil but never came up with an

I'd rather like to know how they escape all the red tape hassle of international travel - not to mention how do they get through customs. 'The nice old lady tied up in the cargo room, Sir? I have no idea how she got in there!'

Bonus points for adding 'Fool of a Tolkien' to the script. Not sure what to think of Rip 'quoting' Aragorn's speech at the Black Gate. Apparently Tolkien was not that impressed by the lines since they never made it into LOTR, he!

Warehouse 13 had its characters caught in a Telenovela for almost an entire episode and it was epic!