I was hoping for Julia Allison.
I was hoping for Julia Allison.
Dear Aunt Cecilia,
No I am one of the respectful nutjobs on the side of the road, sipping my vin in peace. Froome got a good whallop to the chin on one of them during the last climb. Cheers to that.
See that's the thing—the women's equivalent was some of the same stages but not all, which makes it not the equivalent. So it's always going to be Le Petite Tour or some other crappy name the marketers come up with, swaddled in pink banners. I'm all for allowing women on the teams and seeing how that sorts itself out,…
As an avid Tour de France fan (I've been those idiots on the side of the road, sans costume), I have no interest in watching a separate women's version. By the end of the Tour, I'm kind of Toured out. And watching a shortened version of the course, meh. Who needs to see someone struggle halfway up the mountain?
I hear the motion curves a little to the left.
Just have John Cook do a drawing of the penis. Problem solved. You're welcome.
Hi Kurt! Former Spy intern here. I don't have a question, I just wanted to say that I would have probably turned out a lot differently had it not been for that summer at Spy. And I mean that in the best way possible. So thank you, and I'm downloading your book as I type.
Is Denton here? Nick, what on earth is going on? I appreciate you scrapping the whole side comment PowWow thing and all, but what have you replaced it with and why do you feel that it is superior to the nesting comments of yore? Also, you made me come to Deadspin to find a discussion about Kinja even though it has…
It's unfortunate that they're ruining your humble abode. I kind of like this Deadspin place. It's like a homey sports bar, only with a decent wine list. So which one of you can do the most push ups?
I have no idea who Skip Bayless is, but it doesn't matter. This is comedy gold.
Hello, Deadspin. I come from the Great Beyond, formerly known as Gawker. Don't pick up what they're putting down. The new commenting system, it is not good. I might even call it horrible. I tried to like it, I really did. But it doesn't do what they want it to do, nor does it do what I want it to do. It is by all…
"Dip your breasts in edible body paint, and use them to 'sponge paint' his entire body."
Silly breeders, summers are for kids.
FOSTER!!! Whoooooo! Thanks for bringing a bit of testosteroney goodness to this place.
But they'd never hit a girl with glasses and an expansive vocabulary, would they?
Thank you. Though on second thought, a spreadsheet isn't exactly an inappropriate format, either.
A pie graph does seem more...appropriate for the subject matter.