
What makes you think that these people will blame republicans for all of this though? More likely they will continue to blame minorities and illegal immigrants as they always have.

I understand your frustration, I really truly do, and I’m pretty upset about this as well. But here’s me, god, standing up for folks in red states. At the end of the day, we’ve all been hopelessly divided by rhetoric that yes, is largely driven by assholes like Rush and Trump and O’Reilly screaming falsehoods at folks

I know, early voting yada yada, but this country and its voters just fill me with despair and disgust.

The insistence of the GOP to act like every mistake he makes is not as egregious as it really is causes me great frustration. And that’s not even including the Russian collusion. I’m referring to the way he handles day to day presidential matters.

One of my favorite ‘New Yorker’ cartoons is the one of Jesus Christ standing on a cloud with one of his apostles. He is looking down on earth which is fully engaged in turmoil and says “I hate my followers!”

From your lips to god’s ears!

oh, ffs. Were you 7 when you went to Mass at the Vatican? You’re all over these comments acting like this is the strangest thing when it’s been the dress code for meeting the Pope for centuries.

But how can Trump be expected to keep the government running in addition to playing lots of golf and working side deals for his company and family?

I’ll be Debbie Downer: it isn’t necessarily a good thing if the GOP leadership hops on the impeachment train right away. The last thing we want is all those hard-right Congressmen looking like the party of Truth and Justice just in time for the 2018 midterms. “See how honorable we are? We impeached our own guy! You

The only thing that keeps me going these days is the schadenfreude from all the people who didn’t think that Trump could possibly have enough red-hot pokers for each and ever one of their rectums.

That is an actual part of the Republican playbook. They obstruct and ruin the processes of government, then point to how those processes no longer work and say “elect us and we can fix all these problems” while conveniently leaving out how they caused the problems in the first place. Of course, what they want is as

I made a mistake, relax turbo.

YUP. As much as I hate the idea of a President Pence, I want nothing more than to see Donald Trump and his garbage family get kicked the fuck out of the White House. I want it like Gollum wants his Precious.

I think we all know that the “Trump Presidential Library” is just going to be a giant, flat-screen computer monitor scrolling tweets.

This. This is good Kinja.

I’m not hitting my head on my desk, I’m just engaging with my work environment.

$36k for a NORMAL pregnancy????

They just want carte blanche to do whatever the fuck they want to/in/with foreign countries, without having to answer for it.

I keep thinking it’s a Frye boot festival.