
You aren’t required to like it.

I have personally know two different monogamous couple in which both the man and woman were using birth control and they BOTH had pregnancy scares despite properly using aformentioned prophylaxis.

Did you ever consider it was none of your business?

Not just ignorant. That’s beyond ignorant. In that one interview, he both says Andrew “Trail of Tears” Jackson had a “big heart” and suggests you could negotiate the Civil War peacefully, meaning keeping slavery around. Our president, the slavery apologist.

They probably meet in the Trump Tower bathroom and shoot diet pills together. The Secret Service probably has to carry around a spoon and cigarette lighter for this very specific purpose.

I am very sure of this. He’s so jittery he must be just saturated in stimulants.

Now playing

No, if the world was fair, he would have been sterilized when he first started showing “InfoWars-like” behavior.

Elevators never arrive when he is waiting for one, and escalators are always broken when he is around. He always, always, always has to take the stairs.

I was also going to post that exact quote. Who the fuck talks like that? Why the hell was that statement something that had to be said? It makes no goddamn sense.

He and his entire family (except Tiffany, of course) wind up in prison for various crimes, including begging the Russians to help him win the election so everyone in the fucking world knows that without any doubt, Hillary would have won the election.

“Governor LePage of Maine, who, by the way, has lost a lot of weight,” the President of the United States said. “I knew him when he was heavy and now I know him when he was thin and I like him both ways, okay?” 

Imagine you’ve allowed someone to plan your entire life. Ivanka gave up her freedom for comfort. Somewhere along the way she learned to hum loudly enough to drown out the internal screams coming from somewhere deep inside the dark recesses of her mind.

Maybe she got stuck in her coffin and is unable to get out. I mean, I’m not complaining...

I have said this before and it never stops being true: Donnie sounds like someone trying to have a serious conversation on a ball of cocaine. I really can’t listen to him talk, and when I read the shit he said, he sounds like a puppy that has too many shiny objects and noise makers around it.

It was easy to get anything at my house. My parents started getting me high at 2 years old. Clean for many years now, but man, it was hard to get over that early mindset

I dunno, I was addicted to drugs before I knew that they were illegal/addictive. I was shown over and over again that a) drugs were how to have fun, and b) deal with stress. I don’t really feel that I was given much of an option. Just a different perspective.

I’m surprised he hasn’t blamed rap music, TV, his parents, Jews, libtards or the Easter Bunny yet. Honestly surprised.

Dibs on a Doof Warrior!

And too often, in the West what is considered is only the security threat that this poses for the residents of US (and Europe by extension).

Hell. Spanx make me tired after a minute.