
I missed that one. Wished I could have seen it. And that’s definitely toxic misogyny in action for you!

“Hey, he likes black women, he can’t possibly be racist!”

I have friends who actually like the smug jackass. Maybe I need a new friend or two? Seriously, I can’t even talk about this asshole without worrying my head might explode.

I’ve heard that he’s an asshole to the women he dates. I can believe it.

Before this happened I was wondering what the reaction would have been if a man had done Kathy’s stunt instead of her. This isn’t quite the same, but it’s similar enough to make an interesting comparison.

I’m glad the rest of the world is finally figuring out he’s a 61 year old edge lord with nothing meaningful to say.

Yes, Trump Stain is president but I’m sure it sticks in his craw that Hillary won the urban centers of NY state, ESPECIALLY NYC.

That remiinds me of when Mark Cuban was at the Republican convention and CNN had him on screen with some rabid, ranting Trump apologist. The Trump mouthpiece said something about Trump being the best choice because he was a sucessful billionaire. Cuban smirked and immediately responded (paraphrasing) “There’s only one

She really knows how to lay those burns down! Did you see the tweet from yesterday?

Hey, sorry to interrupt, but I own an e-business called cashforseveredhands.com. We should talk...

It gives me extra satisfaction that Bloomberg is wealthier than Trump, because I know that must drive Trump nuts.

I’m laughing and want to hear more details about Douchebag Inception.

Thank you for sharing that, it made me laugh!

Forced fertility, forced pregnancy to term, no social support system.

Isn’t it weird how “pro-life” leaders work so hard to increase the abortion rate? It’s almost like their commitment to pro-life policies only extends to passing laws regulating what women can do with their bodies, and not to actually reducing the number of abortions (let alone supporting non-fetal life).

Same here. It’s still cheesy, but I actually appreciate it all more after watching UnReal. And Rachel is just really likable.

I haven’t peeked at a Bachelor/ette since Trista. This recap sounds like I should give this one a gander.

I laughed inappropriately loud at this.

And he sucks on them soooo hard.