My take on your take! More words!
My take on your take! More words!
I don’t have children, and don’t have much of an opinion on children’s clothes except that they should be affordable (because children grow) and easy to care for (because children can get messy while playing or eating or whatever). Beyond that, whatever makes the kids happy and parents are OK with!
I’ve told this story before in response to some other Jezebel post, but I think it bears repeating. A friend and her wife decided they wanted to have a baby, and did the sperm donor thing until my friend got pregnant. Everything was smooth sailing until she went into labor about 2 months before her due date, and gave…
I wish I could give you a thousand stars for this. That’s my usual response to men who spout pompous opinions on abortion- you don’t have a uterus, can never get pregnant, and it’s legal, so SHUT THE FUCK UP. It is not a choice you will ever have to make, so your opinions are meaningless.
I read the first comment from this dude, and immediately thought “Troll time, here we go!”. *sigh*
WTF is wrong with him??? The answer is right in front of his face- Jared could have fixed it. If Jared couldn’t do it, no one could, believe me, I will tell you (waving tiny hand up and down).
This must be why President Littlefingers likes Jones so much- he finally found someone who’s vibrating on the same frequency.
I wasn’t sure if this was a real post or a satirical post imitating a typical person who would be easily duped into this kind of scheme because, like, festivals are so, like, fun. Coachella, y’all.
I would like to have some arsenic added to his spray-tan, so he gets a little sicker every day he re-oranges.
Ivanka is firmly resting deep in the sunken place.
That sounds like a nightmare. I’m glad you survived your family & got clean. I’m lucky I didn’t get into drugs; drinking was bad enough. I’m going to go pick up a girlfriend at her rehab today so we can hit a meeting together. She OD’ed about 3 weeks ago, and is on Subutex to get her off of all the heroin/ oxycontin…
Recovering alcoholic here. One thing that I hear from lots of recovering addicts is that when they were too young to get their hands on alcohol, it was easier to get drugs. Whether it was from older brothers or sisters, friends, boyfriends/ girlfriends, at parties, you get the drift, it was more common to have access…
I’m glad that one person (you) brought up one of the most deadly drugs that is perfectly legal... alcohol! I know that debating legal vs. illegal substances wasn’t really part of this post; it was about the imbalance with which we treat POC and white people regarding drug-related crimes. But still, it’s always good to…
He also hasn’t defeated ISIS or overhauled the tax code, which he said he’d do in the first 100 days... I think he even said he’d do some of this in the first THIRTY days. What a loser. Sad!
I think it’s hilarious that HRC was slammed for being “hawkish” since we now have an idiot that has bombed two countries in his first 100 days, and has been antagonizing North Korea for several weeks, leading us terrifyingly close to a nuclear war.
I was pissed that when Brit’s mom came to the birthday roast for Jax, she was not upset about the lying, cheating on every other girlfriend, drug abuse, drinking, getting arrested, stealing, fighting and getting put on work probation, but was really pissed about the suggestion that he might have been involved with a…
I find Spanx so uncomfortable that they actually make me REALLY ANGRY. I put a pair on one day (they were all I could find at Nordstrom when I was rushing through the store) and I snarled at everyone until I took them off. And I’m a size 4, for fuck’s sake. Who the hell wears these things???
Agree with everything you said here. A huge advantage of HRC over President Yam is she is really, really SMART. And has been in public service her whole life, which the GOP somehow used as a negative (“She’s a career politician!!!”... wouldn’t you want to hire an applicant with the most relevant experience?). OMFG, I…